Sorry, I'm having a hard time drumming up a lot of sympathy for an idiot who runs out of gas and nearly collides with me. Cabin fire? Sure. There's a 95% chance we would have collided had I taken off as I was cleared to do. If you're going to do **** poor fuel management, at least have the common decency to carry a hand held to let those in the path of your bad judgment know the peril they're in.
At least have the decency to not let your radio do your job for you. You have eyeballs. You're required by law to look out the window and see and avoid other traffic. You should know enough to do that before taking off, regardless of whether a clearance is issued. Even in a fully equipped aircraft like the B747, we note that we're clear before taxiing onto the runway at any airport (clear left, clear right, final's clear). Why try to put the blame on everyone else?
Doesn't the aircraft landing have the right of way?
Doesn't the aircraft with an emergency have the right of way?
Is there a requirement to have a radio on board?
Did the individual fail to plan for an emergency by not having a radio? Did he run out of fuel because he failed to plan? Do you know whether he had a fuel leak, or another reason for not being able to use the fuel? It's very possible to run out of fuel with fuel on board. Decency has nothing to do with it.
Perhaps it was more important for him to fly, rather than to talk.
When was your last forced landing in a conventional gear airplane without an electrical system?
Sure, see and avoid yadda yadda yadda. at a towered airport at the hold short line and hear "2718P Cleared for take off runway 29" You go into takeoff mode.
Sounds like you had a golden opportunity to learn a valuable lesson. From your commentary, it sounds like you may not have fully availed yourself.
He didn't have a radio, called the tower back from the FBO after he landed and said so. If you're going to run out of fuel and make an emergency landing at a class D airport, at least have the decency to carry $200 handheld with you.
Aviate, Navigate, Communicate. The latter is not the priority.
If your'e going to accept a takeoff clearance, at least have the decency to look out the window. did. So what are you whining about?
Kinda like flying IMC in a single engine plane, just stupid to do if you don't have the right equipment.
It is, isn't it?
Of course, flying in an aircraft without an electrical system carries no such requirement, and it's certainly not the priority in an emergency or a forced landing. There might just be higher priorities.
Ensuring one is equipped for instrument flight is not at all the same as a perceived need to carry a handheld radio in a light fabric aircraft with no electrical system.
Aviate. Navigate. Communicate.
Aviate first.