Pilot POLL

What is the highest license/rating you hold? (If ATP and CFI, choose ATP)

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Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 30, 2016
Fort Worth, TX
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Hello everyone!

This is just a general pilot poll. I'm curious to see where everyone is on licensing. In the poll above, just select the highest license/rating you hold. If you are an ATP and have your CFI, then select ATP.

Hopefully this poll can give everyone a general idea of how the pilot community is spread out as a sample of the pilot population.

Also, feel free to post your answer in the discussion below as well as your intentions for what you would like to end up with eventually. I'm genially curious. I'll go ahead and start. I have my commercial multi, and I am currently working on CFI, and I want to end up with CFII and ATP.

Thanks everyone.
I'll have Private Pilot Multi Engine with Instrument Rating in the next 6-12 months. Possibly pick up commercial at some point in the future as a challenge.
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Since my CTO was the most difficult and took the longest, I consider it the "highest" FAA certificate that I hold. ;)
Since my CTO was the most difficult and took the longest, I consider it the "highest" FAA certificate that I hold. ;)
Sorry I didn't include it in this poll. It literally wouldn't let me add any more, and this is intended for faa pilot licenses. But I do have to say, I bet CTO is much more difficult than most pilot stuff. I mean... you are responsible for all of us up there.
Commercial, MEI and Instrument Airplane. Haven't flown a twin since the checkride and never been paid a nickel to fly an airplane. Oh well, plans change.
Sorry I didn't include it in this poll. It literally wouldn't let me add any more, and this is intended for faa pilot licenses. But I do have to say, I bet CTO is much more difficult than most pilot stuff. I mean... you are responsible for all of us up there.
No we ain't. You are. We just help you to not bump into other planes
I've got my

ATP: AMEL, with type ratings in the CL-65 (CRJ series) and B757/767;
With commercial privileges in ASEL And ASES;

I'd eventually at some point like to take the checkride for ATP single engine, I feel like I could pass it in my plane, but I don't need it, would never use that privalege and am just in the current moment not in the mood for another checkride!

a real bucket list would be to get my airship rating, I've always wanted to fly a blimp/zeppelin
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Didn't you do this same poll a little while back? :dunno:

Edit: You did.
Yea I did, but it was a bit different because you could select multiple. I am actually partially using this one for my AP stats class for highschool as a sample population. The other one let you choose any that applied to you and it skewed the result a bit. Don't worry, I won't do one again. I'll delete the old one if you want me to.
Yea I did, but it was a bit different because you could select multiple. I am actually partially using this one for my AP stats class for highschool as a sample population. The other one let you choose any that applied to you and it skewed the result a bit. Don't worry, I won't do one again. I'll delete the old one if you want me to.
Not worried, nor does it bother me. I was just curious.
Is this poll designed to make some of us feel like underachievers? That's what it did for me. :(
Is this poll designed to make some of us feel like underachievers? That's what it did for me. :(
That was not my intention. xD

I was hoping to see how many people fly for fun or fly as a job or at least see their progress.
That was not my intention. xD

I was hoping to see how many people fly for fun or fly as a job or at least see their progress.
Relax. You're fine. Enjoy the punchlines. Good luck in your Stats class. Hope you do well. Slappin forehead. It just dawned on me you're the Teacher. Any of your students getting the flying bug?
That was not my intention. xD

I was hoping to see how many people fly for fun or fly as a job or at least see their progress.

No worries sir. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission." I'm pretty new to this flying thing compared to a lot here. Just working on my instrument ticket right now.
ATP-MEL and CFI. I'd like to add a fun rating like SES when I get some more cash laying around.
No worries sir. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission." I'm pretty new to this flying thing compared to a lot here. Just working on my instrument ticket right now.
Having an instrument rating is great. Just make sure your instructor gets you into some actual. There is a massive difference from the hood and clouds. Good luck with it.
Is this poll designed to make some of us feel like underachievers? That's what it did for me. :(

You're only an underachiever if your aviation goal is about achieving ratings. ;)
Not sure why MEI rates "higher" than CFII.
They're kind of equal, but one is generally teaching in a bigger more complex airplane.
I would think MEI is usually a higher level..
I'm betting the vast majority of MEI's also have their CFII's, but not so much the other way around.

I am an ATP with five jet types. Also have CFI, and the rare exception to my premise above, MEI without II.
I would think MEI is usually a higher level..
I'm betting the vast majority of MEI's also have their CFII's, but not so much the other way around.

I am an ATP with five jet types. Also have CFI, and the rare exception to my premise above, MEI without II.
Yeah, I agree. My dad, who used to instruct, got his CFII way before his MEI.
So are you considering MEI as multi engine instrument or instructor?
I honestly cannot remember which I got first.

I was teaching at Burnside Ott and acquiring ratings as needed.

Personally, I think the MEI was far easier than the CFII.
No question it's easier to get, but I'm just taking an educated guess at the numbers. Way more MEI's with II than II's with an MEI.
Usually MEI is a multiengine instructor, without reference to instrument.

That would be my thought as well, but the poll question seems odd without any other distinction between single and multi engine ratings.
That would be my thought as well, but the poll question seems odd without any other distinction between single and multi engine ratings.
I wanted to make a distinction for multi-engine and single-engine, but it wouldn't let me add any more poll options.
Having an instrument rating is great. Just make sure your instructor gets you into some actual. There is a massive difference from the hood and clouds. Good luck with it.
:yeahthat:, I find the clouds are easier....:goofy: