Pre-takeoff checklist
I agree. I'm just saying, if you never flown in the clouds, it feels different, and it make take someone new to it by surprise., I find the clouds are easier....
I actually had my multi-engine commercial add-on training done up in Groton, CT and the checkride in KFRG, NY. Before the three day training, I did two hours of simulated a month before to stay IFR current, and before that, I wasn't in actual since March. So on the day of my checkride, we had to fly from Groton to Republic airport. The ceiling was 100 ft overcast and visibility was 1400 rvr with fog and mist. It was a lot of fun.
On take off, I could only see about 1/4th of the runway ahead of me at a time. I'm from Texas, so this kind of think was really interesting and fun to me.