Pet Peeve #1: When you are in the middle a TV show, particularly one you are really into, and when they go to commercial break, they'll say "coming up on (insert title)", then proceed to show you how the show turns out in a preview.
Pet Peeve #2: When a local TV station holds out on Dish Network for more money, when they have always, and still do, broadcast over the air for free, then pulling their programming from Dish during the Olympics, forcing everyone to either go buy an antenna, or watch online using a friend's login who uses a different provider.
Pet Peeve #3: When watching the Olympics online (because of the above pet peeve), the headlines for the day's competition are right on the home screen, before you can get to the stream of the events, thus removing all the excitement of watching the competition. This is up there with someone blurting out the score of a big ballgame, when they know you haven't had a chance to watch it yet.