Panel starting from scratch


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 19, 2024
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Hypothetical situation:
This airplane been used for VFR flying only (c170b). Attitude indicator is inop, and kolesman window does not seem to be accurate anymore. No transponder, and it is a Venturi style vacuum system.
Goal is to get adsb out (I have a sentry unit for in), and a working attitude indicator. I also don’t want to completely rule out making headway toward being able to at least do VFR practice approaches in this plane, and ideally not rule out making it IFR capable if feasible. Currently has a narko mk 12d tso radio and a portable intercom system. No transponder. It does have a DG, but I wouldn’t be opposed to switching it out for an electronic style.

I’m wondering if it would be crazy to install an AV30-C with tailbeaconX so I can have an artificial horizon just for safety margin in case of inadvertent IMC and/or night flying in desolate areas, as well as ADSB out. If I wanted to be eventually have an IFR legal airplane with /G, would I be able to install a garmin gi275 or g5 for an HSI paired with a 650 or something of the like? It looks like you can pair a 650 to a second av30-e running as an hsi, but I don’t really want to put this airplane in the experimental category.

What do we think? Can’t post a picture of the panel yet as I am a new member, but it is a shotgun panel.
The AV-30 has an accessory called the AV-HSI that lets it connect to a navigator to provide IFR-capable vertical and lateral guidance. It's been out for experimental for a while. uAvionix recently started taking pre-orders for the certified version. AV-30 + tailBeaconX would be a good addition now. Add something like a GTN-650 and AV-HSI when you're ready to do IFR work. Make sure you have all the other IFR stuff required by 91.205.
We went around looking at similar mixed solutions and eventually went complete Garmin using dual g5s, gps 175, 355D transponder, gnc nav radio and the gfc 500 ap. The negatives we read about av30c and such plus the price we got from Garmin dealer who refuses to work on anything other then Garmin, made it a no brainer. I guess by him doing only Garmin setup he works like a production line with cabling etc so his install costs was significantly lower than any other place we quoted. And even with some extras things he found needing work and us asking for some wiring for future engine monitor to be put in now, his install costs was exactly as quoted.

We kinda did our panel planning on our own without really great feedback from the shop. Cause guys good work and pricing but terrible at communication. And if we had to do that setup again we’d seriously consider 275 instead of g5 if the partners can accept the costs difference.

I wasn’t super keen on the gfc 500 expense as I knew the instructors we work with will say if you can’t fly ifr by hand you have no business being in it. However, now we have it I’ll not go back because it works out the control panel itself is well integrated with the g5. And of course it is nice to just ask George to fly while you enjoy keeping a lookout and such.
We went around looking at similar mixed solutions and eventually went complete Garmin using dual g5s, gps 175, 355D transponder, gnc nav radio and the gfc 500 ap.

Total cost?
We went around looking at similar mixed solutions and eventually went complete Garmin using dual g5s, gps 175, 355D transponder, gnc nav radio and the gfc 500 ap.
What is a "355D transponder"? Are you talking about the GTX345 Diversity one? (Do you aspire to fly in Canada?)

I like your solution, but I think for the OP @jrod270 who probably needs a com, a GPS, and a transponder it might be better to do a GNX375 (GPS/Transponder) and a GTR205 radio, or GNC215 if nav or IFR capability is desired. GFC500 is an amazing autopilot if you want one, and of course it needs a G5, GI275, or G3X Touch to operate it. In the 170, the OP might want to use the GI275s to stick with the round gauge look.

Purely VFR, I'd do a GI275 for attitude, airspeed and altitude, a GNX375 for GPS and ADS-B transponder, GTR205 com radio, and another GI275 (EIS) for engine monitoring.
"Light" IFR, I'd add a third GI275 for an HSI and swap the GTR205 for a GNC215 to get nav capability.
For more frequent IFR or longer trips, add the GFC500 autopilot.
I have a purely Day VFR plane (CAP-10). Currently no attitude or DG, regular engine gauges, a King KX-155 and a Garmin GTX-335 transponder (built in GPS and ADSB out).

Plan is to put in a Garmin GNC-355 for com and nav. Replace GTX-335 with GTX-345 (removed from another plane) for ADSB In and Out. And replacing engine instruments with a GI-275, as several are marginally working.

If I were to put attitude and DG, it would be either G-5s or GI-275s.

In this case, I will always keep the tach, air speed, and altimeter. During aerobatics they are larger and easier to read quickly.

If I wanted to shoot approaches or even light IFR, I would put in a GTN-650 instead of the GNC-355. Larger screen plus VOR/LOC
What do we think?
I think you're overthinking it.

Some of the stuff you want to do falls in the category of plastic surgery on grandma.
Two AV-30s with the AvMag so you don't have to deal with adjusting the DG all the time. Regular Tailbeacon, get a used GTX327 Mode C. That way you can use anonymous mode for ADS-B out if you want to.
650 money is better spent on a Garmin 355. Add a second radio/nav/ILS unit, buy it used. Use standalone CDIs or the AV-30 (I think it's certified now, or it will be soon).
Leave it VFR but add an attitude indicator. I went full IFR on my panel, and never use it.