Reminds me of a similar experience, at another foreign location. We were there for a few weeks for an international exercise. Show up, get the brief from the USAF liaison folks with local ATC, and proceed to start flying. Rather than use the standard USN 800' AGL overhead/ 600' AGL pattern, we of course abide by what the local USAF guys are doing (like 26k ft MSL overhead or something like that
) faster than 300 knots, as that was their limit as well. Meanwhile, visiting USMC squadron, also flying Hornets, decides they will be different, as usual......tac initial, combat spread break......except they were doing it at 500'/500 knots....not that I have a problem with that, but when in Rome. But of course as the new arrivals, also flying the same airplane, we are the ones who get in trouble from the locals, thence get a yelling at from the USAF bird. Never mind the fact that the Marines had apparently been doing this for weeks. Of course it was us
Also not to mention the fact that the folks allegedly complaining, were from the host nation, who just so happened to do their breaks at 50' AGL and basically supersonic. Never did figure out how that came about, but after they shut down the overhead for all US folks, eventually it got straightened out that it had been the Marines not us doing it.