Older CFIs

Lance F

PoA Supporter
Apr 9, 2005
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Lance F
Today was a very long day. But it ended with a CFI-A certificate in my pocket. I'm happy about that.

I'm certainly not looking to build hours so I can go fly a regional jet. Too old, and I already have 3,000 hours. But I've been blessed in my aviation experience to have encountered some very special pilots that mentored me. Perhaps with this certificate I can help some others. I'm going to try.

So, one more CFI on PoA with a new license to learn some more. Looking forward to it.
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Good job Lance!
Welcome to the club. It's nice you plan to use yours...
Congrats,we need more CFIs that want to teach,and share their knowledge.
I work full time at a non aviation job. I instruct part time. I love every flight I go up on. Not looking to build hours either. When I was flying full time for work I lost the passion and enthusiasm for it. So stick with your plan and have someone else pay for your flying.
Congratulations. How did you go about the preparations?
Today was a very long day. But it ended with a CFI-A certificate in my pocket. I'm happy about that.

I'm certainly not looking to build hours so I can go fly a regional jet. Too old, and I already have 3,000 hours. But I've been blessed in my aviation experience to have encountered some very special pilots that mentored me. Perhaps with this certificate I can help some others. I'm going to try.

So, one more CFI on PoA with a new license to learn some more. Looking forward to it.
Congratulations! I did the same thing - I had my ATP and 3000 hours when I got my initial CFI certificate. Not taking anything away from the 400 hour wonder kids that you find at many (most) flight schools, but all most of them seem to be interested in is moving on. Finding a CFI who instructs out of the love of teaching is refreshing. Any of your students will be lucky to have you.
Lance, weren't you a CFI-G?

Yes, I was (am). It had lapsed 15 years ago. I got some credit for that, e.g. I did not have to do the FOI (Fundamentals of Instruction) again. However, most of it was pretty much like a CFIA initial would be. I did it with a DPE ( $750 :yikes: :( ) not an FAA inspector. i definitely studied and practiced for this more than about any of my other ratings.
Congratulations Lance! Old CFI's rock!

I got my CFI when I was 18...way back in the mid-70's. We had to make sure dinosaurs weren't on the runway before we landed. I was lucky enough to accumulate over 4,000+ hours of dual given since then.

I recently got current again after 20 years of non-flying. When I went into a local FBO to get my Flight Review they begged me to reinstate my CFI since they couldn't keep up with demand. So, I'm back to the books so I can reinstate in December.

Nothing beats an old seasoned CFI.
Yes, I was (am). It had lapsed 15 years ago. I got some credit for that, e.g. I did not have to do the FOI (Fundamentals of Instruction) again. However, most of it was pretty much like a CFIA initial would be. I did it with a DPE ( $750 :yikes: :( ) not an FAA inspector. i definitely studied and practiced for this more than about any of my other ratings.

I am within a few weeks of taking my Commercial-Glider. CFI-G next summer, if all goes well.
Congratulations, Lance!
Congratulations Lance!

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But I've been blessed in my aviation experience to have encountered some very special pilots that mentored me. Perhaps with this certificate I can help some others. I'm going to try.

So, one more CFI on PoA with a new license to learn some more. Looking forward to it.
Good on you Lance. I've considered going this route but have always been concerned about the liability (my retirement nest egg might make a juicy target). I figured that CFI insurance would cost more than I'd make as a CFI unless I was doing it full time. How are you going to deal with that?
Today was a very long day. But it ended with a CFI-A certificate in my pocket. I'm happy about that.

I'm certainly not looking to build hours so I can go fly a regional jet. Too old, and I already have 3,000 hours. But I've been blessed in my aviation experience to have encountered some very special pilots that mentored me. Perhaps with this certificate I can help some others. I'm going to try.

So, one more CFI on PoA with a new license to learn some more. Looking forward to it.

Damn straight!! You are the kind of CFI that can make a difference in my opinion. :yes::yes::yes: The ones with a few hundred hours who are just building time are the ones that I have almost always been dissatisfied with. Good luck!
Good on you Lance. I've considered going this route but have always been concerned about the liability (my retirement nest egg might make a juicy target). I figured that CFI insurance would cost more than I'd make as a CFI unless I was doing it full time. How are you going to deal with that?

When I was full time I think I was paying $800/yr. with NAFI for CFI insurance. Still worth having. If you charge $20/hr. it will take a while to make that back. At $50/hr., not so much.
Congrats. I too did my CFI back in 1976 to build time. 983.7 hours and was able to start "real" flying. Now, with 22000 hours of heavy jet flying all over the world, am very close to hanging it up. The rules, regulations etc. make it no fun anymore...BUT, after finally going to Oshkosh and getting my IA, my love of aviation is restored. I am just now starting to learn all the new stuff so as to reinstate my CFI so I can mentor some young people. I have always felt the industry has it backwards...the new young guy should fly with the airlines, corporate etc and learn how to fly and the instructors should be the old guy who can show the student things from years of experience.

Now if I can figure all the airspace class stuff. :mad2:
Congratulations Lance, now you can pass on some of that experience and knowledge to others.
Lance, I know of no finer ambassador for this undertaking. Congrats!
Congrats! I'll be 61 this year and considering CFI. Since my return to flying after 40+ year break 2.5 years ago, I have added 400 hours, got my high performance, and bought an SR22. Now, if I could just retire so I could get my instrument and CFI...

Looking forward to doing what I love in retirement...showing people how cool aviation is!

Today was a very long day. But it ended with a CFI-A certificate in my pocket. I'm happy about that.

I'm certainly not looking to build hours so I can go fly a regional jet. Too old, and I already have 3,000 hours. But I've been blessed in my aviation experience to have encountered some very special pilots that mentored me. Perhaps with this certificate I can help some others. I'm going to try.

So, one more CFI on PoA with a new license to learn some more. Looking forward to it.
Today was a very long day. But it ended with a CFI-A certificate in my pocket. I'm happy about that.

I'm certainly not looking to build hours so I can go fly a regional jet. Too old, and I already have 3,000 hours. But I've been blessed in my aviation experience to have encountered some very special pilots that mentored me. Perhaps with this certificate I can help some others. I'm going to try.

So, one more CFI on PoA with a new license to learn some more. Looking forward to it.


There are old CFIs and there are Bold CFIs.....

Your not old....and you posted this so your not bold.

Congrats again on your license to be a sponge.....keep absorbing, smile, stay humble and enjoy the extra opportunity to help others. You rock!!!
Congrats. You sound like a humble and intelligent gentleman.

We need more CFI's who do it for passion and not for position.
Congratulations! I was just thinking about older CFIs. I had two young ones I enjoyed training with last fall, and they've both moved on, replaced by another young person. I have nothing against them, but I think I'd learn better from someone with more life experience and more passion for GA (versus moving on). Again, congrats!
Congratulations! I was just thinking about older CFIs. I had two young ones I enjoyed training with last fall, and they've both moved on, replaced by another young person. I have nothing against them, but I think I'd learn better from someone with more life experience and more passion for GA (versus moving on). Again, congrats!

Huge issue in my mind. Hate young bucks moving on through industry. Granted it's a path they have to take to get to their goal. I don't fault them for that.

I strongly suggest finding CFI with years and years of instruction. Not an easy find...for sure...but try to find them if you can. When learning and recurrent training. Fly by night guys don't hurt but they will never give you that added bonus you pay for.

Training is not cheap....don't settle for less than the best....it won't cost you more.
Congratulations! I was just thinking about older CFIs. I had two young ones I enjoyed training with last fall, and they've both moved on, replaced by another young person. I have nothing against them, but I think I'd learn better from someone with more life experience and more passion for GA (versus moving on). Again, congrats!

Here's an idea...PAY your certified flight instructor decent money and watch folk flock to instructing. Oh, you want to pay $20 an hour AND ***** about the guy building time....okay, sure.

Not directed at you, Honestly, you just happen to be one of a million with the mindset.
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