But they could at least be made more readable. Using both upper and lower case letters, paragraph separation, and some plain English would help a lot, instead of having a WALL OF ALL-CAP TEXT MUCH OF WHICH IS LEGALESE JARGON AND ACRONYMS.
Please don't force the NOTAM system into plain language. You (probably) already have a button on your tablet that will do that for you. Don't turn my multi-page NOTAM printout into something twice it's size by spelling out "Out of service" instead of OTS five hundred times. Or "Not Authorized" to NA.
This isn't directed at you,
@Half Fast, just me being the old man yelling at clouds.
[rant]They're abbreviations. And most of them actually make sense. Yes, every once in a while there's some esoteric one that you will have to look up, but they're mostly intelligible. We use abbreviations every day in life and no one is screaming for change, because we've learned them.
No one is trying to get newspapers to use "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" instead of NASA because we don't understand the acronym.
We don't have to spell out N53°23'45" as "North 53 degrees, 23 minutes, 45 seconds" because we learned that "N" is North, "°" is degrees, "'" is minutes, and """ is seconds. And we can even figure out that (even though it looks ridiculous) """ is a degree seconds symbol surrounded by quotation marks, even though it's the same symbol. Also 5'9" we can translate to five foot nine even though it uses the same symbols at LAT/LONG (sorry... latitude and longitude)
We're not calling for a wholesale change of cookbooks because we can't figure out 1/2 tbsp is one-half tablespoon. Or 350°F is three hundred fifty degrees Fahrenheit.
It's just abbreviations. Learn them, or don't. There's always the "decode raw data" button on Foreflight or whatever you use.[/rant]
Implementing some topical headings would also make them capable of being filtered. When I’m a VFR pilot flying a VFR plane, I don’t need the briefing to be cluttered with a ton of ILS NOTAMs and instrument approach info.
And those things shouldn’t be hard to fix.
This is ready done, kinda. Our work NOTAM printout collates the various NOTAMs into categories. It's have all the taxiway NOTAMs grouped into one section, obstacles into another, and runway NOTAMs into another, and so on. It's good and bad. It does make finding important NOTAMs a little easier to find, but it also creates a lot of duplicates. All the runway 18 NOTAMs are typically duplicated in the runway 36 section as well, making the NOTAMs longer.
I wish our system was more like the AeroWeather app. That is in my opinion, the single best aviation app (sorry... application) out there for its NOTAM interface alone. I even use it for work flying (shh... it's probably not allowed). AeroWeather groups NOTAMs into their respective categories, which is nice. But the best part is that it allows you to filter by time. It reads the DTG (sorry... Date-Time Group) and will allow you to filter out the NOTAMs that aren't active outside of a 2/4/12/24 hour period from now. That means I don't have to try and figure out if the UAS (sorry... Unmanned Aircraft System) airspace is going to active when I get there or not. Or if the ILS (sorry... Instrument Landing System) will be in or out at my time of arrival.
If you don't have AeroWeather as part of your planning toolbox, I'd say, give it a try. I pay for the top tier level and it's worth every penny.
Sorry for the rant... now get off my lawn.