Any thoughts if this snafu will drive a modernization of the NOTAM system and how the information is conveyed?
I can tell you, the NOTAM system from a technological standpoint has been getting modernized over the last 10 years or so. As late as 2012, we as an airport still had to pick up the phone and call FSS to issue and cancel NOTAMs. It could take 30+ minutes before that NOTAM would be validated and transmitted. Since then, the process has been updated where we can now log-in directly over the internet and issue the NOTAMs. The latency between submission and distribution is now seconds, where it was minutes or longer.
That being said, the problem with the NOTAM system is the information that is required. The NOTAM system has become the CYA for the FAA, the pages of fine print at the end of a contract, so everyone can wash their hands and say, well the pilot had the information available to them. The FAA requires airports to do the same, any deviation from the standard must be reported via NOTAM. A sign unlit, NOTAM it. A rut in the grass next to the taxiway, NOTAM it. Windsock is ripped, NOTAM it. Combined with the tower unlit NOTAMs, ambiguous airspace NOTAMs, and ATC NOTAMs, it makes for a system full of garbage that pilots are expected to pick through to find the gold. Just landed on a closed runway? Well it was NOTAMed, on page 24 of 85 of the NOTAMs for the flight.
Fixing that is not going to be technological, and has nothing to do with this system wide outage. From the constant email updates we've had overnight, this failure was due to some type of database failure, which has required them to basically rebuild the database overnight and required time to test and validate its operation. Airports were notified this morning that all NOTAMs issued since 1800Z yesterday had been purged and need to be re-issued.