An aside.
A few years ago, when I was still living in Colorado, I was planning to rent an airplane during a vacation in Florida. The last leg of my Florida flights was KBCT to KORL. Looking at the charts, the GOOFY.BAIRN STAR into the Orlando area looked reasonable (Unit74 - any problem you see with that 2700 msl altitude? I'm betting not too many turbojets to run you over).
So I filed it.
I didn't get cleared for the STAR but, lo and behold, that was indeed the exact routing since it was (a) the route most commonly used (duh!) and the (b) most reasonable route to take. So even if not assigned it, SIDs and STARs can be a clue to common routings in an area.
In the past I have noticed, when flying to Palo Alto (PAO) from the northeast, a tendency to assign a routing that duplicates San Francisco's Risti Four Arrival without assigning it by name.