New I-Pad coming?

Fair enough. I just fiddled with them for about 10 minutes each. One thing that surprised me was the slow refresh of the Kindle's screen for anything other than non-book material (i.e. web pages). I knew e-ink technology wasn't too speedy, but I was appalled. It looked awful.
Can you really read that fast that the refresh rate makes a difference. I can't. :crazy:

I think the Kindle is good for reading text. It's easier on the eyes than a computer screen like on the iPad. It's also half the weight of an iPad, if not less. I wouldn't use it to look at web pages and it's not very good at pictures or maps either. Maybe pretty soon I will have a Kindle AND and iPad AND the next version of the iPhone AND various computers because I'm a impulse tech buyer too...
i've never had one computer break on me to the point of needing replacement, yet. but i've never owned a mac. you've had to buy 8 computers?? what do you do to them?

I typically have 2 computers going at a time and they typically last between one and two years because I am constantly traveling and typically in a marine environment. I'm just kinda brutal on them. I've been carrying laptops since the first Toshiba 486 machines came out, what was that, '95? Yeah, my Trimix dive card is 95 and that was the year I got the laptop so that's 15 years ago so there's 7, and I've had a back up since 2000 so that's another 5 making 12 laptops. When the Pocket PC Phone edition came out, I got one of those and have gone through at least one similar product a year since including having multiple concurrent units as I do now (iPhone 3GS for foreign and a My Touch 4G T-Mobile phone with my US number) which probably comes up to another 10 plus pocket computers.

So, in 16 years I've gone through 22 computers of my own.

There was also a company computer on a boat one time that was a real POS that I asked to have replaced several times but they kept sending some one to fix it who was clueless. Finally I threw it overboard and requested a new one to which they gave me their typical reply, "No, we're gonna send someone to fix it." I replied with the lat and long and depth of water of where I threw it overboard and told them "Good luck with that...":ihih:

I almost bought an iPad the other day but it had no front camera for Skype use. Figure the new iPad will come out after the post Christmas shopping is done depleting the stock of the first editions woefully lacking units so they can sell another round of them with a camera.

Oh yeah, I had one iPod Touch that I replaced with an iPhone and gave my cousin and an other I bought as a gift for someone.
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So in non geek terms what could this new iPad do that would make folks ditch their old ones or wait four months to get the new ones.

Front camera for Skype and similar applications. It was retarded that they left it off, either that or predatory marketing on the typically retarded Mac fans....
Bingo. That's it, although personally I find it hard to believe that someone would buy an Apple product, not like it, and subsequently, return it. :crazy:

Like any electronic product, there's bound to be a few DOA's. That's the nice thing about the refurbs - You won't get a DOA unless it's damaged in shipping, because someone has actually gone back through and tested it.
I have three laptops already, and soon a Kindle. I don't actually need this. It would be a "what the heck" purchase.

Well, it is a great "what the heck" purchase. :goofy: But in that case, I would probably go ahead and wait for the next one. I would guess that we'll see an introduction by the end of January, and shipping sometime in March or April.

That said, if it were easier to DL photos onto it, I'd probably jump on it. Right now there are no slots to do so easily - I think you need a converter kit.

Well, the "camera connection kit" isn't much more than a couple of little dongles - One with a USB port, and one with an SD card reader. If you already use an SD card reader to import your pictures, well, the iPad one isn't any more difficult than what you do already.

One oddity is that the USB port for the "camera" connection kit is fully functional - You can plug a keyboard into it, for example. USB microphones work as well, from what I hear. Very interesting.
Well, it is a great "what the heck" purchase. :goofy: But in that case, I would probably go ahead and wait for the next one. I would guess that we'll see an introduction by the end of January, and shipping sometime in March or April.

Well, the "camera connection kit" isn't much more than a couple of little dongles - One with a USB port, and one with an SD card reader. If you already use an SD card reader to import your pictures, well, the iPad one isn't any more difficult than what you do already.

One oddity is that the USB port for the "camera" connection kit is fully functional - You can plug a keyboard into it, for example. USB microphones work as well, from what I hear. Very interesting.

Did I mention I also have the iPOD Touch too? And a desktop for my actual photo work? I really don't need this bloody thing.

But it's soooooo pretty!

How would I get photos from my desktop to the iPAD? I wouldn't take them from the SD or CompactFlash card (IE camera), I'd DL selected ones from my desktop. Also, how hard are they to get back OFF the iPAD?

I assume you can hook the iPAD up to iTunes?
Fair enough. I just fiddled with them for about 10 minutes each. One thing that surprised me was the slow refresh of the Kindle's screen for anything other than non-book material (i.e. web pages). I knew e-ink technology wasn't too speedy, but I was appalled. It looked awful.
Like I said, it's an ebook reader with internet capability. Not the other way around.
The Apple 30-pin connector carries more than the USB connection. Remember, the first iPods had Firewire adapters, so that's 6 pins right there. USB requires 4 pins. It provides audio interfaces as well. That's why you can do things like plug an iPod into a speaker/clock radio/stereo dock. Finally, I think there is room for serial interface as well (i.e. RS-232) for controller features. The dock ain't gong away.

Yes the 30 pin has more than just USB connectors, I know that. The fact is, the 4 pins that do connect USB make the dock violate USB Standards.

I like the dock, the thing I hate that they purposely do is: iPhone 4 is out!!! Oh by the way, any iphone attachment you had in the past is now garbage because they will either not work completely, or they won't charge your phone/ipod. F that.
we currently have 4 computers at my house (though only my laptop is a mac), and 5 computers in our small business. it's pretty easy to go through 8 computers like that. Add my 2 sisters and their families, there's another 6 computers.
Isn't that the truth. My family of five now has five laptops, a netbook and two desktops. all of them work just fine, except one network card on one desktop.

The old ones don't usually break, they just get functionally inadequate, especially when you compare them to the new ones. Then there are issues such as program upgrades that require more RAM/disk space than the older hardware can support, etc.
Isn't that the truth. My family of five now has five laptops, a netbook and two desktops. all of them work just fine, except one network card on one desktop.

The old ones don't usually break, they just get functionally inadequate, especially when you compare them to the new ones. Then there are issues such as program upgrades that require more RAM/disk space than the older hardware can support, etc.
12-15 years ago it was tough to find a family with a computer let alone internet.

Now we not only all have computers and internet, we likely all have computers in our pockets WITH internet.

Looking back, I had absolutely no idea things would evolve so fast. 15 years really isn't that long of a period
12-15 years ago it was tough to find a family with a computer let alone internet.

Now we not only all have computers and internet, we likely all have computers in our pockets WITH internet.

Looking back, I had absolutely no idea things would evolve so fast. 15 years really isn't that long of a period

Hmmmm.. 15 years ago....

I think I was hosting a dial-up BBS on the second phone line that dad had installed so he could remote in to work when he got called in the middle of the night. My 'server' was 386 computer that my dad and I built from scratch. We had recently upgraded it to a *gasp* 45 meg harddrive (we would NEVER fill that up of course). The BBS software was a bootleg version of WildcatBBS which could handle up to 254 simultaneous connections!!! AMAZING! Around that time, there were a few of the other local BBSes that were actually working on sharing files across BBSes - you could acces files on BBS 'A' while connected to BBS 'B'. AMAZING! Of course, the big 'online' games at that time were Usurper and L.O.R.D. (of which my BBS had purchased a 'registered' copy that would let you actually complete the game). Interesting tidbit: the developers of L.O.R.D. had 'subliminal' "Support Conan and Andy" advertisements sprinkeled throughout their software way back then - were they able to see the future?

Wow.. 'Just' 15 years....
12-15 years ago it was tough to find a family with a computer let alone internet.

Now we not only all have computers and internet, we likely all have computers in our pockets WITH internet.

Looking back, I had absolutely no idea things would evolve so fast. 15 years really isn't that long of a period

And I wonder. Are we REALLY all that better off for it?

I am in the same boat.
Hmmmm.. 15 years ago....

I think I was hosting a dial-up BBS on the second phone line that dad had installed so he could remote in to work when he got called in the middle of the night. My 'server' was 386 computer that my dad and I built from scratch. We had recently upgraded it to a *gasp* 45 meg harddrive (we would NEVER fill that up of course). The BBS software was a bootleg version of WildcatBBS which could handle up to 254 simultaneous connections!!! AMAZING! Around that time, there were a few of the other local BBSes that were actually working on sharing files across BBSes - you could acces files on BBS 'A' while connected to BBS 'B'. AMAZING! Of course, the big 'online' games at that time were Usurper and L.O.R.D. (of which my BBS had purchased a 'registered' copy that would let you actually complete the game). Interesting tidbit: the developers of L.O.R.D. had 'subliminal' "Support Conan and Andy" advertisements sprinkeled throughout their software way back then - were they able to see the future?

Wow.. 'Just' 15 years....
You're making me cry here! Stop it with the memories!!!
And I wonder. Are we REALLY all that better off for it?

I am in the same boat.
the thing that sucks: We can now do much more work than could previously be done, and we could work from more than just sitting at the office.

The result is, we work on the road, in planes, everywhere, and the salaries are lower.

Ah, don't you love globalization!
Did I mention I also have the iPOD Touch too? And a desktop for my actual photo work? I really don't need this bloody thing.

But it's soooooo pretty!

How would I get photos from my desktop to the iPAD? I wouldn't take them from the SD or CompactFlash card (IE camera), I'd DL selected ones from my desktop. Also, how hard are they to get back OFF the iPAD?

I assume you can hook the iPAD up to iTunes?

That's exactly how it's done - It'll work just like your iPod Touch does - Just hook it up to iTunes, tell it which albums you want it to sync, and let 'er rip. If you want to remove an album from the iPad, just uncheck it in iTunes.

The Camera Connection Kit is really only necessary if you want to be able to use your iPad to pull pictures off your camera while you're on the road instead of carting along a bulkier laptop.
Hmmmm.. 15 years ago....

I think I was hosting a dial-up BBS on the second phone line that dad had installed so he could remote in to work when he got called in the middle of the night. My 'server' was 386 computer that my dad and I built from scratch. We had recently upgraded it to a *gasp* 45 meg harddrive (we would NEVER fill that up of course). The BBS software was a bootleg version of WildcatBBS which could handle up to 254 simultaneous connections!!! AMAZING! Around that time, there were a few of the other local BBSes that were actually working on sharing files across BBSes - you could acces files on BBS 'A' while connected to BBS 'B'. AMAZING! Of course, the big 'online' games at that time were Usurper and L.O.R.D. (of which my BBS had purchased a 'registered' copy that would let you actually complete the game). Interesting tidbit: the developers of L.O.R.D. had 'subliminal' "Support Conan and Andy" advertisements sprinkeled throughout their software way back then - were they able to see the future?

Wow.. 'Just' 15 years....

Memories... 15 years ago I'd just joined the WWW through AOL.

Ten years before that, I was accessing dial up BBS's on a 300 baud modem. You'd dial in, verify a carrier over the phone's handset, then plug the phone line into the modem. Sometimes the BBS owner would answer the line and you'd have to tell him you were trying to get on his BBS. Usually, he'd say "Call back in a minute. I won't answer and the BBS will pick up."

Good times, although the speed and graphics were a bit lacking.
]Yes the 30 pin has more than just USB connectors, I know that. The fact is, the 4 pins that do connect USB make the dock violate USB Standards.

How so? :dunno:

I like the dock, the thing I hate that they purposely do is: iPhone 4 is out!!! Oh by the way, any iphone attachment you had in the past is now garbage because they will either not work completely, or they won't charge your phone/ipod. F that.

What?!? Every accessory I've ever bought for an iPhone works with my latest iPhone except the ones like cases that depend on the size and shape of the iPhone.
What?!? Every accessory I've ever bought for an iPhone works with my latest iPhone except the ones like cases that depend on the size and shape of the iPhone.
There was a point in time that Apple did do some backwards incompatibility in regards to charging. I know with my iTouch gen 1 I had an after market multi-plug power supply, it even had a nice cigarette/airline adapter on it. But with my iTouch gen 2 it would not work. I do not know if that held true for the iPhone of that era though.
Memories... 15 years ago I'd just joined the WWW through AOL.

Ten years before that, I was accessing dial up BBS's on a 300 baud modem. You'd dial in, verify a carrier over the phone's handset, then plug the phone line into the modem. Sometimes the BBS owner would answer the line and you'd have to tell him you were trying to get on his BBS. Usually, he'd say "Call back in a minute. I won't answer and the BBS will pick up."

Good times, although the speed and graphics were a bit lacking.

Hah! The worst part was, I could read faster than 300 baud. :rofl:

I never had an acoustic coupler modem, but I did use the Apple Personal Modem for my first online experiences - Usually at a screaming fast 1200 baud unless the BBS didn't support that yet.



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There was a point in time that Apple did do some backwards incompatibility in regards to charging. I know with my iTouch gen 1 I had an after market multi-plug power supply, it even had a nice cigarette/airline adapter on it. But with my iTouch gen 2 it would not work. I do not know if that held true for the iPhone of that era though.

I think they changed something when the original iPhone came out - Presumably to support the phone part! - Because some old iPod chargers would cause a message to display on the iPhone's screen to the effect that "this charger is incompatible" or something. Dunno why they did that, because if you left it plugged in, it'd generally still charge.

But, it's not like every iteration of the iPhone requires new stuff like the previous poster asserted... They haven't changed anything about the dock since the iPhone came out.
I think they changed something when the original iPhone came out - Presumably to support the phone part! - Because some old iPod chargers would cause a message to display on the iPhone's screen to the effect that "this charger is incompatible" or something. Dunno why they did that, because if you left it plugged in, it'd generally still charge.
The iPhone was already out as I already had an iTouch and the problem was with gen2 iTouch which I think followed the Iphone 3Gs

But, it's not like every iteration of the iPhone requires new stuff like the previous poster asserted... They haven't changed anything about the dock since the iPhone came out.
Apple is pretty good with backwards compatibility. It annoys me to no end that each USB connector on other cellphones keeps changing. I think there are three or four variations on the mini/micro USB now.

The only thing that really changes are mechanical related things and that is certainly acceptable.
How about; load"*",8,1

C-64, used that command a lot, back in the day. :D

15 years ago? We had three machines working in the house. My old XT clone, my wife's Mac LC III and my 486 based machine. Dial up connection to service providers, like AOL. And I had been on that for a couple years. We were beta testers for version 2 of their Mac software.

Today? Let's not go there. Suffice to say that there are multiple machines in the house, all connected to the home network, either via Ethernet or WiFi. Cable modem to the outside world. No modems in any of the mini-towers. One laptop has one, I don't know about the other. Don't think there's one in the netbook. If there is, it certainly hasn't been used. And the one time I would panic if I didn't have a good computer with an internet connection is coming - tax time. Going back to doing that by hand would drive me to drink, big time.
Faster CPU, higher screen resolution, and front facing camera.

The iPad actually is slower then the iPhone 4 and the screen resolution is worse (even though the screen is way bigger).
Some new rumors to update the old rumors.

According to an anonymous Chinese source, next iPad will be 3mm smaller than the current one. The height of the new iPad will be 239mm and the width will be 186mm.

The LCD screen will remain the same in size and the back face shape of the case will be flat like an iPod touch.

Some leaked photos show that a hole in the lower right of the rear panel is neither a USB connector nor a SD card slot. It is a large, wide-ranged speaker unit covered with metal mesh.

Ambient Light Sensor (ALS) has been moved to the upper center of the rear panel and has new 3mm slim hole.

The 3G model has parts for antennas in the upper part in the same way as the present.

According to the source, the production stock has been started to prepare for the new iPad and shipping date seems to be sometime between mid to end of January.

It is unreliable information but new iPad may have two cameras. One in the front is for FaceTime and the other in the back is the same quality as iPhone 4. The rear camera will be able to take movies.
Late March early April. I have an Apple Store gift card sitting on my desk targets for an iPad2

Better advice: "Wait for the next one, then buy it right away." Chances are, the March/April timeframe is when it will ship. Rumor has it we'll see an intro by the end of next week.
Hah! The worst part was, I could read faster than 300 baud. :rofl:

I never had an acoustic coupler modem, but I did use the Apple Personal Modem for my first online experiences - Usually at a screaming fast 1200 baud unless the BBS didn't support that yet.


Good god. Now I feel old. My first modem was a Tandy 300 baud "direct-connect" meaning it didn't require an acoustic coupler. LOL

A friend had an original Hayes and I was jealous that his modem could dial the phone line.
Hah, yourself! 300 Bps was FAST, 1200 was screamin...

My first online experience was with a model 33 teletype/paper tape reader-punch connected with a 110 bps modem to a "mainframe" at the local community college. I was in high school (this was in the late 60's) and taught myself to program in Basic with that setup.

Hah! The worst part was, I could read faster than 300 baud. :rofl:

I never had an acoustic coupler modem, but I did use the Apple Personal Modem for my first online experiences - Usually at a screaming fast 1200 baud unless the BBS didn't support that yet.
Hah, yourself! 300 Bps was FAST, 1200 was screamin...

My first online experience was with a model 33 teletype/paper tape reader-punch connected with a 110 bps modem to a "mainframe" at the local community college. I was in high school (this was in the late 60's) and taught myself to program in Basic with that setup.

Did you play Oregon Trail on it? :D