New grammar pet peeve

For all in tents and porpoises, the lose grammer in this thread is making me loose my mind. I think a paradigm shift would take it to a hole knew level.

Now u've dun it. Were not gonna toler8 no more old skool crap what mean we gotta do things sum ticular way!
"I could care less"

Do people realize they're saying the exact opposite of what they mean when they say this? Guess it's easier to say "could" than "couldn't". Dern double consonants...must also be why people say "nucular".

I could care less, but not much!
It was the internet joke about 10 years ago. Its kind of taboo to use those jokes anymore, because they're lame now....but still, saying "What Happen" is only appropriate in response to that.

Nowadays you'd just say, "I'm'a let you finish, but that was the best Internet meme of all time!"

Or maybe that one's already well out of vogue by now, too.

I'm sticking with Underpants Gnomes. They're timeless.

1. Post complaint about grammar online.
2. ???

But if that doesn't work... I, for one, welcome our new grammar annoyed overlords!

Natalie Portman and Hot Grits, and all that rot, too.

Yes, I have a five-digit Slashdot user ID number, and no, I'm not expecting anyone to find that particularly impressive, but I do find it hilarious that some people on Slashdot do...

All it means to me is that I'm too old to still be doing tech support -- since I think I'm seeing the same bugs/stupid programmer assumptions... (BECAUSE THEY DON'T ASK ANYONE IN TECH SUPPORT), come around again for the third or fourth major software release cycle in my so-called "career".
Or unrequested "advice", if you will! :D

My pet peeve is apostrophes before the "s" when making things plural. Or would that be "making thing's plural"?






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Too bad apostrophe-S is in numerous style-guides for making acronyms plural and that was beat into me by college English professors.


Apparently it's out of vogue now with all the misuses of apostrophe-S. ;)
Too bad apostrophe-S is in numerous style-guides for making acronyms plural and that was beat into me by college English professors.


Apparently it's out of vogue now with all the misuses of apostrophe-S. ;)
I'm still torn on that one.

60's is correct.
...Yes, I have a five-digit Slashdot user ID number, and no, I'm not expecting anyone to find that particularly impressive, but I do find it hilarious that some people on Slashdot do...

Oh. You wanna play "put it on the table?"

I have a low 6 digit slashdot ID. (You win.)

My WHOIS ID is MA30.

I have my own 4 char .com domain name...and the same twitter handle.

I got a registered Class B network allocation (twice).

I supported the guys at Bell Labs who were writing fully Symmetric MultiProcessing Unix.

I wrote the memo to the CFO of a major telecom company on what and why we should have an internet link.

Had enough? :D
Oh yeah?

I accessed the Internet with a fax machine.
I first went online from a typewriter.

I had birds, chipping octal into rocks, and carrying them to water-powered routers with bamboo DNS tables.
I had birds, chipping octal into rocks, and carrying them to water-powered routers with bamboo DNS tables.

Wow, this all seems to pre-date Al Gore's invention of the internet :wink2:.

Impressive folks on this here board!


Some language faux pas are such because the In crowd could distinguish the out crowd via "mis-use."

  • "bring" v."take."
  • "ray-diator" v. "radd-iator"
  • "you'ins" v. "youse" v. "ya'll"
I'm told my Quebecois French is "accented" even though French from France has evolved significantly since 1759 whereas Quebecois French remained fairly static for nearly 200 years (and was derived from certain regions of France not Paris).

The homogenization of American English to newscaster-bland isn't necessarily a good thing.

That said, I think I've eliminated any vesitage of New Jersey, which is a very good thing.

Oy vey -- so call me conflicted. :dunno:
I'm told my Quebecois French is "accented" even though French from France has evolved significantly since 1759 whereas Quebecois French remained fairly static for nearly 200 years (and was derived from certain regions of France not Paris).

My wife (from Montreal) can barely understand Parisians.
My wife (from Montreal) can barely understand Parisians.

Lift up the head and speak through the nose.

Years ago when I was an Amish Country Tours tour guide (Hey, it was summer work and I was a poor schoolteacher) every so often francophones would come on board. Quebecois were universal in their appreciation for a few words of greeting in French.

Every Parisian I met corrected some asspect of my pronunciation.

Since we're stereotyping -- on those tours New Yorkers complained about everything, never seemed happy, talked during my presentations, etc.

Southerners were gracious, respectful, and always said "Thank you" when leaving.

New Yorkers left $10 and $20 tips.

Southerners sometimes left change (yeah, nickels and quarters).

Guess who always signed up for the buses filled with New Yorkers?
