It was the internet joke about 10 years ago. Its kind of taboo to use those jokes anymore, because they're lame now....but still, saying "What Happen" is only appropriate in response to that.
Nowadays you'd just say, "I'm'a let you finish, but that was the best Internet meme of all time!"
Or maybe that one's already well out of vogue by now, too.
I'm sticking with Underpants Gnomes. They're timeless.
1. Post complaint about grammar online.
2. ???
But if that doesn't work... I, for one, welcome our new grammar annoyed overlords!
Natalie Portman and Hot Grits, and all that rot, too.
Yes, I have a five-digit Slashdot user ID number, and no, I'm not expecting anyone to find that particularly impressive, but I do find it hilarious that some people on Slashdot do...
All it means to me is that I'm too old to still be doing tech support -- since I think I'm seeing the same bugs/stupid programmer assumptions... (BECAUSE THEY DON'T ASK ANYONE IN TECH SUPPORT), come around again for the third or fourth major software release cycle in my so-called "career".