Navy Flight Officer ??

No, I don't believe "getting killed" deserves a DFC but it seems like a big disparity for flight lead to get a DFC and Fernando and his WSO got an Air Medal.
If you knew all the facts surrounding the raid, you might feel otherwise. Unfortuantely, as I said, much remains classified.
If you knew all the facts surrounding the raid, you might feel otherwise. Unfortuantely, as I said, much remains classified.

I guess so. It's just that the author made it known that he wasn't pleased at how the awards got handed down.

IMO unless they really screwed up they should have at least received the Air Medal. Although I've never cared about getting medals, I do like to see them awarded where actions warrant them.
When you plan nuclear strike missions (the primary mission for the F-111E/F when I was there), you plan exactly by the book or you get your lunch eaten on HHQ review (TACEVAL, ORI, etc). There is no room for the slightest error or deviation from the coordinated plan when dealing with mushroom generators. The inspection teams took all the time they needed to check every i for dotting and t for crossing, and just one error could fail the whole inspection for the wing. So yeah, those of us in the mission planning business were pretty anal about things, and the commanders rewarded us for being so.

I remember those days, in Buffs and Bones.

On one recertification, while I was on Wing Staff, there was no Aircraft Commander in the cert cycle. I was asked and agreed to complete the AC portion of the cert briefing. All the crew in the cert cycle were well experienced, any of us could brief the others positions. Some of us were responsible to train crews during the ORI prep.

Those were the days!