Name my dog

Now for the cat lovers, Mrs. K brought home these adorable fluffballs a couple days ago:

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Please welcome, L to R (I think, I can't tell the three orange ones apart):

Ripon, Pickett, Fisk, & Oshkosh
So I guess your Fisk arrival wasn't that traumatic....or is it just a reminder so you don't try it again.
So I guess your Fisk arrival wasn't that traumatic....or is it just a reminder so you don't try it again.
I figured I'll be able to remember the year I tried it :biggrin:
We had a cat named Tango.

Well, my wife had her (the cat) before I met her (my wife). And named her Tango. So clearly it was meant to be.
Don't know about dogs, but the local airport had two cats, one named FSDO and the other Taildragger.
At a rural airport in PA, I stopped for fuel and the airport manager walked over, trailed by two dogs. I asked what their names were - Pitot and Static, or a couple of other pairs of aviation terms I've since forgotten... Their names were Pratt and Whitney.

At KCAD there was a very happy dog who was constantly wagging his tail vigorously... His name was Rudder.
My Daughter did that with her cat. Called him Shroddy
Hah... My cousin has a dog named Schrodie.
It's actually been fun introducing them. The kittens hiss and swipe and Tango is so excited to play he pees on the floor.
I was thinking that since he looks German, maybe you could name him Messerschmidt, shortened to "Messer" if he pees on the floor too much. :rofl:
We had a roomba in our previous house but it got depressed and locked itself in the bathroom.
Ours escaped to the wild outdoors when my wife left the door open.

It was horrible and I prefer not to talk about it. Let’s just say nature abhors a vacuum.
I had a friend that named his dog Nama - so he could say: "Nama stay". That's funny in certain neighborhoods.

I wanted to name our current dog Rudder, but my wife vetoed it. She doesn't like any part of my plane and she's very fond of the dog. So it goes...
Dogs respond best to distinct two-syllable names. I sort of like "Archer."