NA- this isn't corn is it?


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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Every year I plant a garden because I really enjoy that sort of thing. I noticed early this season in the same spot that I generally plant a couple of corn stalks this plant started growing that looks very similar to Corn I have planted before. So I just let it grow and kept thinking okay that's cool I'm not going to plant any corn this year. The larger the plant gets the less I think this is corn and I think it might just be a giant weed. just for reference I went ahead and planted a corn plant right next to it and now I'm starting to see subtle differences. I'm not 100% sure though. Can someone please confirm for me whether or not this large plant is or is not corn and I should get out of the ground.


LOL - Johnson grass
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Could be a mutant from inbreeding depression. If you only plant a few seeds each year then genetic diversity suffers. Hard to tell from the pics.

Don't go to a family reunion looking to hookup.
That's Maize. Positive. You got a good start on an ethanol factory there.;)
Pretty sure that's Johnson Grass, or I've been cultivating a lot of maize out of the vineyard;-) Get rid of it before it drops those seeds.....
City farmers....:nonod:

Do you play farmer while wearing a suit..?? :lol::lol::lol:

Yeah, me and Mr Johnson tussled a lot as a kid. I usually broke out the weed whip on him. I'll be right over and show you what a weed whip is...
Your apple tree is finally doing something. You should let it go for another 5 years.
Try eating it. If that doesn't work, try smoking it. If that works, invite me over.

Proof the monkey once again left its mark on yet another formerly God fearin', respectable, wholesome PoAer...
It's not corn because its too fast - nothing but weeds grow that fast.

Crops that we eat take the appropriate amount of time to grow as set forth in their seed guide.

unless you are in Florida or southern AZ no variety of corn has had enough time to germinate and mature.
When I clicked this thread, I closed my eyes and prayed it was not a scatological question. I'm relieved.
Johnson Grass was developed as a hardy, fast growing animal forage, and it works great, right up until it gets copper colored, goes cyanotic and kills the critter.
