Here is the last email I recieved from was right before I took my checkride:
"Hi Brook,I was just thinking about you when I got an email from Kendra.GOOD LUCK if it isn't too late to wish it. I'm not on email muchanymore, I get on about once every two weeks, so sorry for thelate reply.I have a new twin Cessna job, slightly bigger than the Cessna 310 I was flying for cargo. These are 8 seaters, not six, and they're pressurized.They are a C-340 and a C-414. I'm flying fixed wing air ambulance andhave relocated to Morgantown WV with my husband and daughter. I'm stillPIC because it is a single pilot operation. (My single pilot cargo time hasreally preparedme for this.) I travel with a nurse or medic on our staff and we go anywhere onthe easternside of the US to pick up a patient and take them where they need to go. IthinkI landed in every state east of the Mississippi since I started a couple monthsago.We go into every kind of airport, and I love that. Everything from non-toweredout in the sticks to DC ADIZ to Newark, etc. Two days ago I flew fromFort Lauderdale (where we overnighted from previous day's drop-off) to Portland,Mainewith stops in Sumpter,SC (fuel), Baltimore (KBWI) (pick-up and fuel), WilkesBarre, PA (KAVP) (fuel), Maine (KPWM)(drop-off). I usually fly about 5 or 6 hours perday. The company has a King Air and I hope to be worked into it within the year. Thatplane isa two pilot operation, so I'd be the right seat. I am really glad you have finished the Private. Are you going on to Instrument?Best wishes and "a job well done!!"Maureen"