Most irritating buzz-words/phrases

"Please status the project".

In fact, almost any term that's verbed.
Wow, using clichés and phrases here is like "walking though a mine field". I'm trying to be "politically correct" and to be sure "not to offend anyone".

Of course, the whole idea of political correctness is politically incorrect. The people who tell us what to think are not open to being questioned and resent being labeled as the pushers of some "agenda." Tolerance is wonderful as long as its their particular dogma that's tolerated. Somehow, many of us have lost the right to think, hold opinions and express them.

And then there are the folks that insist on spelling "lose" as "loose".
The most annoying ones lately:

"I feel that ___" when discussing technical details.

"I can multitask" - when being incompetent.

"green" - I don't want to hear that word again until the pushers can use less than 50 gallons of water every two weeks while living off two deep cell marine batteries plus two gallons of propane for a month in mild weather. (yes, I'm making it very easy on them just because I'm nice)

"flavors" - ex: flavors of electricity. (go ahead, stand in a puddle of salt water and stick your tongue on the 660VAC flavor of elecricity wire and let me know how it tastes)

"professional" and/or "technician". I immediately associate both of those words with tenth rate wannabe's that know absolutely squat nothing about what they're doing.
It seems exclusive to the railroad world, but at the end of every discussion about a project, as everybody gets ready to leave/get off the <damn> speaker phone, somebody has to say "Here we go!".

The Railrunner's Engineers all say that.

"Welcome to the Railrunner Express service to Santa Fe with all intermediate stops but Bernalillo Downtown. Please enjoy the ride, here we go."
It seems exclusive to the railroad world, but at the end of every discussion about a project, as everybody gets ready to leave/get off the <damn> speaker phone, somebody has to say "Here we go!".

On the rail road -- "that'll do" bugs me a lot.
"running around like a chicken with its head cut off" ... disgusts me. Since I was responsible for butchering the chickens as a kid, if you let one run around without its head, you screwed up.

Also, c'mon ... there's plenty of single word expressions that just come off so much easier; panic, confused, dazed, lost, disorganized, et al ...

maybe it really bugs me because my wife says it so often - usually describing me? :)
On the rail road -- "that'll do" bugs me a lot.

Meeee toooo.....
If you ever hear a radio in a yard on the switch engine channel, they say it a million times a day. It tells the engineer he's come back far enough to couple or clear a switch or crossing or whatever. Remote control locomotives are ending this at most all the large yards now. Yay.
I’ll be out of pocket for a while, but will reconnect when back online and we can then treat this as a learning opportunity. At the end of the day, to stay on target, we need to begin with the end in mind and approach this challenge as an opportunity to source a solution. That is the best way to create a win-win for all stakeholders . . . irregardless of what sort of noise might be coming over the wall.

Peace, Out.
"professional" and/or "technician". I immediately associate both of those words with tenth rate wannabe's that know absolutely squat nothing about what they're doing.

I dunno about "tech" or "technician". Sometimes that gets you someone with field experience. . .
Bow-tie. You don't know what this is? I didn't either until a few days ago but it's coming...
I’ll be out of pocket for a while, but will reconnect when back online and we can then treat this as a learning opportunity. At the end of the day, to stay on target, we need to begin with the end in mind and approach this challenge as an opportunity to source a solution. That is the best way to create a win-win for all stakeholders . . . irregardless of what sort of noise might be coming over the wall.

Peace, Out.

Hey... did you work for a certain Sonobouy company..? :eek:
No, I just wanted to see if I could make anyone's head explode.
No, I just wanted to see if I could make anyone's head explode.

Nicely done sir...nicely done...howver in order to write the perfect country and western must mention "crisis"
"Politically correct"
"Ain't none of them ever been"
Let's play buzz word guess who....

meaningful and unprecedented breakthrough
It is going to be very hard, and it’s going to take some time,”
We have come a long way, but we have much further to go.”
fundamental deadlock in perspectives
"Breaking News", especially when the subject incident has long since been resolved.
What? WTF do you mean? Just pointing out similar issues in different times.

Easy, now...:D
What I mean is that "HD" is used to describe stuff that isn't HD. Like sunglasses. :frown2:

"In Color!!" had some real significance back then. I still vividly remember the first time I saw a color TV in my house- it was mind-blowing!
But the whole "HD" thing is mostly hype. And even when the claim is legit, in terms of displays, etc., there seems to be this emphasis on image definition at the expense of content... :rolleyes:

Martin Aviation Group was founded on the premise that a diversification of capital into various business ventures, not necessarily related, best advances the interests of the company, its owners and the public while providing unparalleled customer attention. In order to exceed expectations, Martin embraces proven and leading edge business process improvement methods including Lean Six Sigma, Blue Ocean Strategy, LEED and GREEN
Did you obtain permisssion from the copyright owner to reprint that?? :D
Easy, now...:D
What I mean is that "HD" is used to describe stuff that isn't HD. Like sunglasses. :frown2:

"In Color!!" had some real significance back then. I still vividly remember the first time I saw a color TV in my house- it was mind-blowing!
But the whole "HD" thing is mostly hype. And even when the claim is legit, in terms of displays, etc., there seems to be this emphasis on image definition at the expense of content... :rolleyes:
But the whole "HD" thing is mostly hype. And even when the claim is legit, in terms of displays, etc., there seems to be this emphasis on image definition at the expense of content... :rolleyes:

I finally caved an bought the HDTV last spring.

Hockey is far more enjoyable now that I can see the puck. :yesnod:
During your aircraft inspection, we found that your _____ was
during an aircraft overhaul: "ya know, while you are at it, you should ..."

I learned to shush the peanut gallery quickly.
"Git 'er done" GAAACK!! That drives me up a wall

"Status a project" Bill, I've been out of biz for almost a decade, so that's a new one on me. I have to say I would probably kick someone's azz if I heard that. Icccchhhh!
"Git 'er done" GAAACK!! That drives me up a wall

"Status a project" Bill, I've been out of biz for almost a decade, so that's a new one on me. I have to say I would probably kick someone's azz if I heard that. Icccchhhh!

Oh, big companies are full of it (er, them).

There's also "Respect-o-Grams"....
During your aircraft inspection, we found that your _____ was

Fill in blank with "A&P's Exposed Azz"


Low blow.