As I taxi to the favored runway 18 (slight downhill and slight breeze out of the south) a Saratoga calls up asking for a runway advisory. I advise him that I'll be using 18 and he replies 36.
I ask if he's planning an instrument approach, to which I'd yield. No response. Saratoga, state intentions. No reply. I proceed to the runup area and he calls distance (unintelligible). I'm now done with runup and hear him declare 8 miles airport in sight. I call out to traffic departing 18, closed pattern. He asks preferred and I state 18 and push the power up, thinking....he's 8 miles out with plenty time to plan his arrival
I haven't done a no flap takeoff in awhile so I decide this is the opportunity. At 300AGL I see him to my left in the distance. 500, I turn cross, call on the radio and lose sight of him. He states he has visual and is turning base for 18. I'm now 100 below pattern altitude and tuning downwind and call again, no visual. I check my lights....
I hear him call 5 miles, but my brain doesn't process his location...I'm not happy with not seeing this guy. I'm abeam, call my downwind decent and ask him to remain clear. He states 3 mile final.
Still no visual on him.
I depart the pattern. An SFRA no-no. As PIC, I determined that it was safer to disengage, get some separation and then rejoin. I call ATC, while making my 225* turn and tell then I departed the pattern due to traffic conflict. Request to return to advisory freq. Granted.
I rejoin on the 45 and on downwind, I call my position and see the airplane on the ground, looks like he was on the taxiway but he replies that he'll be out of the way by the time I arrive (I'm sure you will). I call my downwind decent again and he states clear of the active......
File ASRS about this Saratoga's airline pattern and losing visual
, causing me to deviate from SRFA procedure .....