Small correction, it'd be "Ace 69, base-
gear-stop". Gear is the only thing we are required to throw in by USAF per AFI in controlled tower ops. Everything else is only as required by the FAA if outside a military field.
--break break--
As to double clicks, well I guess that depends. So tower sends me around short final for traffic separation because I'm carrying the mail en fuego at Cat E overnight delivery with talons hanging, and the CRJ in front of me is you know, following the rulz and stuff. Guy slowed down to meals-on-wheels speed at the marker, picking up easter eggs that fell off his straw basket on landing and won't get off the g-d concrete.
So I'm on the go cleaning up, take the offset 100' off the deck on tower side, now abeam Meals-on-wheels, give him the "Llama Stare" meme look, pass him at 3 bills and tower, without skipping a beat, knowing the perfect opportunity for everybody to have a good morning cup of Freedom coffee, clears me "
offset on the go, present position closed approved your direction -- clear to land rwy xx".
You mean to tell me double clicking the mic as I selected the Jesus detent and "stood the cobra" up at max blower for the tower and folks of meals-on-wheels at 0900, was improper comm? To quote Michael from Office Space: "
I always do that, I always mess up some mundane detail!" Guess back to reading the AIM I go...