MetLife denied my claim



Anyone have dealings with MetLife on LTD for their medical for flight? Been with them for two years and now they say I am being denied because I can now work as a “ checkout clerk for Walmart.” Has anyone run into this? Any good lawyers you know to handle disability claims?

Would have to read the policy to determine what is considered a disability. I could buy a policy that would pay if unable to perform my job as a pilot(expensive) or one where I could not perform any job(cheaper).
Anyone have dealings with MetLife on LTD for their medical for flight? Been with them for two years and now they say I am being denied because I can now work as a “ checkout clerk for Walmart.” Has anyone run into this? Any good lawyers you know to handle disability claims?


Work at Walmart, get terminated for behavior, then claim LTD?
If you can pass a 3rd class medical and fly an airplane with your disability I think it is reasonable for an insurance company to question if your disability is still preventing you from being able to work for a living. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t but try to think about what it looks like from their end.
Too disabled to work. but not too disabled to fly an airplane or whatever else I want to do?
I also think that it it is a reasonable question, in that I just asked it.
We had a guy come to work paralyzed from the waist down, every day. Another fellow had one leg. Then there was the girl with leg braces…
Too disabled to work. but not too disabled to fly an airplane or whatever else I want to do?
I also think that it it is a reasonable question, in that I just asked it.
We had a guy come to work paralyzed from the waist down, every day. Another fellow had one leg. Then there was the girl with leg braces…

I read it that he lost his medical.
Should have read the policy when it was purchased to make sure it covered what you needed covered.
If your going to take on a major insurance company,good luck,lawyer or not.
I believe a standard LTD policy would pay LTD until you can do something that equals your previous job.

WalMart checkout person is probably not at your previous level.

Get a lawyer who can read "insurance" and see what they think they can get away with.
If this wasn’t a aviation specific policy, I wouldn’t hold out much hope

Aviation loss of medical costs a good deal more compared to most LTDs
I read it that MetLife denied his disability (LTD) claim, but I agree that it is somewhat confusing.

And that’s the issue

Loss of a FAA medical for something the rest of the world and medical world might consider a “nothing burger”

Reason loss of medical and LTD are two different products
^^^^^ If it is not an “own occupation” policy you are at the carrier’s mercy to decide what occupation you can still perform and whether benefits are payable. Hard to find tightly defined own occ policies these days. Many policies will allow benefits for a defined interval to allow retraining for another occupation depending on disability.
you obviously have not looked at regional pay scales lately. envoy first year is at 90hr plus the bonus.

Based on the regional FOs I run into from time to time, they ether take a pact to be the most frugal people on earth, or the real world take home isn’t all that great
How many hours are these people are realistically working? Or do they spend most of their time on reserve and logging just a handful each month?

Not snark but as someone who's always looked to the sky and wondered if he should have pursued a different career I am curious what real world bottom line pay actually is.. and makes me wonder how good it actually is if they post in dollar per hour versus some kind of yearly salary / TC
Any good lawyers you know to handle disability claims?

Depends on how your insurance is worded, a sleezy slip and fall ambulance chaser might be your best bet.

Around here ambulance chasers have commercials on late night Tv...

''We don't get paid unless you get paid...''

''We don't take your case unless we believe we will win...''

caveat emptor
Ok, seems there needs to be clarification. No, I’m not a troll. Lost my medical to fly, all classes of medicals. Been on companies policy since then and been working with the insurance company on what they call “occupational enhancement.” Since I’m over sixty the occupational team has not contacted me and case worker states they are not going to contact me. I’m sure this is because of my age. States in policy that they would have to train me in some field that would provide 80% of my original salary. That being said they are now “advising” that they are still making the decision whether to deny my claim or not. This came in a conversation after my original post. Just not sure what game this is and trying to figure out what my next step should be.

Since you are over 60, I do think age becomes a factor in LTD, ie social security benefits.
Sorry you’re having these problems. Can your HR people be of any more help?

Yeah - insurance companies are close to evil.
How many hours are these people are realistically working? Or do they spend most of their time on reserve and logging just a handful each month?

Not snark but as someone who's always looked to the sky and wondered if he should have pursued a different career I am curious what real world bottom line pay actually is.. and makes me wonder how good it actually is if they post in dollar per hour versus some kind of yearly salary / TC

on reserve you are paid for a set amount of hours,for most it 75hrs. so if you only fly 25hrs a month you still get 75 hrs pay. if you fly over that, you get paid for what you are scheduled. some months i have flown 20 hrs, others 85 on reserve.
Based on the regional FOs I run into from time to time, they ether take a pact to be the most frugal people on earth, or the real world take home isn’t all that great
it use to be bad, in 99 when i started at a regional it was 23 hr. because of supply, they are making bank now.
on reserve you are paid for a set amount of hours,for most it 75hrs. so if you only fly 25hrs a month you still get 75 hrs pay. if you fly over that, you get paid for what you are scheduled. some months i have flown 20 hrs, others 85 on reserve.
thanks, so 75 hrs X $90/hr is $6,750 - after tax, 401K contributions, health insurance, etc., we're looking at $45K to $55K actual bottom line take home pay. Hardly what I would consider bank. If you fly the full hundred that improves things somewhat
thanks, so 75 hrs X $90/hr is $6,750 - after tax, 401K contributions, health insurance, etc., we're looking at $45K to $55K actual bottom line take home pay. Hardly what I would consider bank. If you fly the full hundred that improves things somewhat
plus perdem, bonus, ect most new hires are making well over 100k, and are on capt pay in year two. at envoy, when you get 750hrs with the company you go to captain payscale.
plus perdem, bonus, ect most new hires are making well over 100k, and are on capt pay in year two. at envoy, when you get 750hrs with the company you go to captain payscale.
Cool, thanks!
Since you are over 60, I do think age becomes a factor in LTD, ie social security benefits.
Depends how much over 60.
Most LTD benefits end at 65.
Some have curtailed benefits starting at the MRA (62).
it use to be bad, in 99 when i started at a regional it was 23 hr. because of supply, they are making bank now.

More, yes, but it is still a job most get to move on to greener pastures, I believe many of their sign on bonuses have tons of read tape and are paid out over a long time too
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