I'm amazed, no I shouldn't t be, that so may are so freaking impressed with this total crap bill. It does relatively nothing of value. It pushes all the so called improvements off on non-AMEs that have absolutely NO interest in the whole damn issue. It makes us wait another freaking year for ANY DAMN improvement, and these clowns at AOPA and EAA are telling us WHOOPEE WHAT A FREAKING SUCCESS! This is total Bullsh*t. I don't thank them for a ******** thing. You failed miserably. And instead of saying so, you exacerbate the problem by making it sound like something was actually accomplished. It wasn't. This is watered down crap and you know it. You're just patting yourselves on the back to feel better about this nonsense.
Have you seen what they (AOPA/EAA) proposed?
4 Seats, 180hp, single engine, fixed gear
Day VFR only
Up to 1 passenger
Pilots have to take a free medical course every 2 years
Altitude to FL100/2000 AGL
Here's what we got:
Up to 6 seats, up to 6,000 lbs, no limitations on horsepower, # of engines, or gear type
24/7 VFR and IFR
up to 5 passengers
Pilots have to take a free medical course every 2 years
Up to FL180
I'm still trying to see the "selling out" that AOPA/EAA was accused of (not by you, but in the posts I've read). If they sell out like this, next time they should ask for Class 1, the doctor has to clear their schedule for the pilot's convenience, and the FAA will have the video showing at the local theater. Judging from the request/delivery that is shown, we'd get be able to fly space ships, the doctor will come to your house within 15 minutes of being summoned, and the FAA will set up the viewing at your house and serve you popcorn while you watch it, and then they'll go to the airport and fill your tanks.
As for the "waiting another year," how long are you waiting if this didn't pass? I'm actually not sure what you're complaining about. What, specifically, did you want? Your message looks like a rant, and I'm sure (I'm serious) that there is something behind it, but I just don't know what it is. Please explain.