
Mayo is fine on a dressed up burger. Y'know with lettuce, tomato and onion.

With that said, I just had a reheated burger from last nights grilling. It already had pepperjack cheese on it - all I added was a few healthy splashes of hot sauce.on the roll.
Ketchup on a burger, yes, but only if fresh tomato isn't available. Mayo on a burger, only with lettuce and tomato.
Mayo on a burger? only if you are into that "secret sauce" garbage.
I prefer my dogs and burgers plain,'cept for 1 or 2 slices of American cheese on my burger. All of that other junk just distracts from the taste of the beef.
I prefer my dogs and burgers plain,'cept for 1 or 2 slices of American cheese on my burger. All of that other junk just distracts from the taste of the beef.
American cheese has as much in common with cheese as ketchup does to tomatoes and both belong in the garbage...

*ducks out of thread forever and turns off notifications*
Mayo is okay on a burger if the burger has bbq sauce. And bacon. And cheddar. And is topped with a fried onion ring with a dollop of coleslaw in the middle. Toasted bun of course. And a cold Fat Tire would be nice, too.

What was the topic again?
Well, it's in the "site feedback & support" section so I guess the OP is looking for help...