Dave Siciliano
Final Approach
Thought you might enjoy reading a post from George Braly at GAMI. 'Bout three years ago, I attended their first Advanced Pilot's Seminar. They demonstrated how to properly operate you plane's engine by showing empirical data gained on an engine test stand. You could watch the engine run and see the results graphically displayed. For those with graphic engine monitors and GAMIs (which my plane had) lean of peak operations were demonstrated. This was controversial. Now, look at where things are!!
Had a rather amazing experience last Saturday morning.
Walter and I had gone out to Scottsdale to conduct a little 3 hour seminar for the Certified Lancair folks.
This is a rapidly growing group of Columbia 300, 350, & 400 owners.
There 40 of them in the room.
Also, Loren Lemon, TCM customer service manager was there.
At the beginning of our session, I decided to take a deep breath and see what we were up against.
So I took a poll:
"How many of you folks that own these brand new certified Lancair aircraft are routinely operating them lean of peak in cruise ?"
"Raise your hands, please ?"
Want to guess how many hands went up ?
I was stunned. :zap!:
Thirty-eight hands went up.
I asked the other two owners why they did not.
Their response was, "We were told by the Lancair check pilots to go take your class before we started operating LOP."
Can you imagine this type of result as little as three years ago???
Regards, George
Had a rather amazing experience last Saturday morning.
Walter and I had gone out to Scottsdale to conduct a little 3 hour seminar for the Certified Lancair folks.
This is a rapidly growing group of Columbia 300, 350, & 400 owners.
There 40 of them in the room.
Also, Loren Lemon, TCM customer service manager was there.
At the beginning of our session, I decided to take a deep breath and see what we were up against.
So I took a poll:
"How many of you folks that own these brand new certified Lancair aircraft are routinely operating them lean of peak in cruise ?"
"Raise your hands, please ?"
Want to guess how many hands went up ?
I was stunned. :zap!:
Thirty-eight hands went up.
I asked the other two owners why they did not.
Their response was, "We were told by the Lancair check pilots to go take your class before we started operating LOP."
Can you imagine this type of result as little as three years ago???
Regards, George