For the record, I was never seriously considering leaning by CHT alone, that simply doesn't make sense. Mike Busch doesn't say that anyway -- what he does say is that you don't need to worry about the effects of excessive ICP (including, he seems to imply, detonation) as long as your CHTs are reasonable. I gather that although there are engines for which this might not be true, the 200 HP IO-360 isn't one of them, though it's possible to make it detonate if you try hard enough. My question was whether it's safe for me to operate with my leanest cylinder solidly LOP (40* or so) and my richest at peak or even slightly ROP, and I understand Ted to be saying, yes, as long as your CHTs are reasonable. That's the best I can do without incurring roughness. Of course it's safe to operate that way below 65% power, the red box disappears below 65%, but we weren't talking about that, we were talking at power settings that would normally yield 70-75% according to the POH. I haven't tried doing that at higher power settings yet so I'm not certain what my CHTs would be like, but I'd be very surprised if they were much above 350, except maybe during summer heat, OAT >30C or so.