Logging question - sim time

Can your future article simplify what "flight" is? For "flight", "PIC", etc I just ask myself "how much paperwork is involved if I mess up?"
Assuming you’re talking about logging, that would be “flight time”, clearly defined in Part 1:
Flight time means:

(1) Pilot time that commences when an aircraft moves under its own power for the purpose of flight and ends when the aircraft comes to rest after landing; or

(2) For a glider without self-launch capability, pilot time that commences when the glider is towed for the purpose of flight and ends when the glider comes to rest after landing.
I would log it in a separate column as Flight Sim - Simulated Instrument.
The issue here is bookkeeping rather than regulation and this is where I've seen a lot of legitimate variety. Separate columns will always work - if you have paper columns to spare. And dedicating an existing sim/device column to only sim instrument time will work too if that's all you use it for. Using the sim instrument column is proper but can cause "flight time" totaling issues.

Digital logbooks solve the issue.
That flight time totalling issue is what can bite you on a check ride or a job interview. But, how much time in the sim is VFR flying? :D