Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

Not really a "joke" per se, but the Bloomberg headline made me laugh.
On the bright side, I'm pretty sure they'll "hire" you into indentured pilotude with less than 1500h!

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It's certainly a good setup for some jokes.. Maybe bad jokes, but this isn't my day job.

1 - Do they fly 737's?
2 - I'd bet $5 that their airport security is as effective as, and less annoying than, the TSA.
3 - Does their fearless leader fly the planes?
and yet, someone will try the "what is the lowest you will go" line. :-/
Years ago I went to purchase a used motorcycle. When I asked the man what he had to have for it he stood on the sale price. The bike was worth what he was asking and that's what I gave for it.

A discount might be available if you ask ... politely. ;)
Some people just can't haggle. Years ago I bought a beat up Fiat Spider sort of on a whim. Seller was asking $900. I asked him how low he could go, he said $500. Told him I had $400 cash on me and drove the car home. Another time I was selling a Jeep. Guy came to look at it, asked how low I could go. I said, "well the ad was for $XXXX." (I forget the exact number, I had listed it a bit on the high side expecting to bargain). He pulled out that amount and handed it to me.
Sometimes is not a matter of can’t haggle, sometimes it’s a matter of not wanting to have the “fun” of haggling

Years ago I rebuilt a small grand piano and set a fair price. If I wanted to haggle, I would have set the price higher and let the buyer haggle me down to a price higher than the fair price I set
Sometimes is not a matter of can’t haggle, sometimes it’s a matter of not wanting to have the “fun” of haggling
Seems most people assume (yeah I know) that the asking price isn't the sale price. I'm of the persuasion that most sellers do ask a bit higher than expected. Most anyone will give a 10% cut in the asking price.

I don't insult people with "low-ball" offers. Being polite and respectfull during a negotiation can have rewards. After all most buyers know what they are willing to pay and the seller knows what they will take. It's just a matter of finding where they can agree ...
Who is ‘you’ here? The customer? Or the employee, herein ‘me’. Who does the manager want to talk to?

They should outlaw pronouns! You never know who they’re talking about!