Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

My workplace
Not sure how it happened, but I was reminded this morning of one of my most epic dad-joke fails.

"What's brown and sticky?"

"A stick!"


Years ago, when my nieces were just kids, I tried that one on them:

Me: "What's brown and sticky?"
Niece 1: "eeeewww!"
Niece 2: "Syrup!"
Me: "No, a sti...wait...that's really pretty good!"
Had to take my bird to the hospital ... he needed a tweetment!

Dear Ann Landers:

I have a family of raccoons living under my front porch. What should I do ?

ANN LANDERS : Put a piece of blue cheese under the porch

Dear Ann Landers :
The raccoons are gone , but now there are German pilots living under my porch. What should I do ?

^^^ bwahahahahaha!
The school phoned me today and said, "Your son has been telling lies."

I said,
"Tell him, he's bloody good. I don't have any kids”