Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

I'm embarassed to admit that, for the LONGEST time, I was really put off by companies advertising "essential oils." I've been getting along FINE without them for years, so obviously they are FAR from essential, erego false advertising of snake oil to the masses, which makes me mad. Then, a few months ago, I came to the realization that by "essential" they were referring to the "essence," or smell, of the oils. OK. I still call bullsnot. If they want to be truthful, they should call them "smelly oils," or "stinky oils." Labeling them "essential" uses subliminal reaponse to make them seem more important than they are....which is....not at all.

Just having fun....well... kind of....
if they want to be truthful, they should call them "smelly oils," or "stinky oils."
Flew a guy a few years ago when he was in an "EO phase". Once we were climbing out, he started applying (I didn't look back to see where) Frankincense.
O.M.G that was powerful chit, we almost dumped the cabin and went on 100% O2.
Flew a guy a few years ago when he was in an "EO phase". Once we were climbing out, he started applying (I didn't look back to see where) Frankincense.
O.M.G that was powerful chit, we almost dumped the cabin and went on 100% O2.

Someone gave me some of that as some sort of helpful gesture for my neurological disorder. LOL.

I stuck some on my hand one day and was like...

“This is like that stuff you shove up your nose when dealing with a corpse in public safety work. Blocks out every other smell!”

LOL. What it was supposed to do for neuro problems I have no idea but it was a nice gesture from the moonbat who gave it to me.

Truly was. They are into that stuff.

Probably scare her to death if I told her I drank it and nothing happened but couldn’t get the taste out for days. LOL
I have an ex girlfriend that got really into that stuff. She even went so far as to buy EO cleaning products for her house and EO deodorant which was not super effective.....