Leaning for takeoff at high DA isn’t the same as the discussion about how to lean ROP or LOP, the red box, or 75% or 65% power.
If you are full rich at sea level at takeoff, the minute you start to climb the mixture goes *even richer*, because the air mass thins as you climb, putting you richer and richer. Leaning for takeoff at high DA (my POH says to start leaning at 4,000), is only re-establishing that proper mixture. You definitely don’t have to wait until the engine is producing 65-75% power to start leaning (which is going to be around 8,000), and you shouldn’t, because by then, you’ll be significantly over-rich and the engine will not be putting out optimal power.
This is why
@Radar Contact is right about noting EGTs on takeoff and then leaning to keep them the same - the point being that if you do nothing, EGTs will drop as the mixture goes richer and richer. EGTs dropping means dirtier and dirtier combustion, less power produced, and an overly rich mixture.
The whole thing about not leaning until you hit 75%/65% power and all that is a totally different subject and not even accurate in and of itself - that’s Where you can lean to *any* mixture, not where you can *start* leaning.