The “accident” rate might be lower, but as long as there are still people at the controls, there will still be idiots claiming ROW instead of allowing the opportunity.
"Hey but I got rights!". sigh.
As to a tower being protective- well, yes and no. It has no responsibilty for VFR VFR air to air separation.
Years ago (!1990?), at the home of "Hobbs Rules" (ERAU-West, Prescott AZ), I was ~#6 for the field on the ILS coming from Mingus mountain. The pattern was chock full. People were stepping on each other and it was chaos (on Com 2).
Suddenly a deeper baritone voice came on:
123ER, penalty box for you. Hold at drake as published, 9,000.
345ER, I've had it with your overrunning traffic in front. Hold at drake at 8000.
567ER, turn left midfield, exit to the northeast. You may re-enter the pattern in turn.
NOW IS THERE ANYBODY ELSE who desires to not comply?
567 ER protested that he would be late for class. That baritone voice, then cleared him to hold at drake at 10,000. OUCH,
It got quiet fast.
But I am always reminded of the DVT controller who "forgot" about the Cessna on opposite base. We almost traded pain.
Yeah a tower is nice. But it's not the bee's knees. It's best to have cautious, courteous pilots.