is it safe to fly during an earthquake?


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
we just had an earthquake in NC. some are reporting 2.6 and others 5.1. I've been telling my girlfriends that "5.1 is massive" for years, maybe now they'll believe me. anyways, probably should go fly now.
we just had an earthquake in NC. some are reporting 2.6 and others 5.1. I've been telling my girlfriends that "5.1 is massive" for years, maybe now they'll believe me. anyways, probably should go fly now.

Well, living in SoCal, I can say that 2.6 is not too noticeable, but 5.1 will most certainly get your attention. More than that will mean knowing how to fly will come in handy. Getting out of the area for any supplies, etc. will take a lot of patience on the road, or knowing how (and where) to fly...
we just had an earthquake in NC. some are reporting 2.6 and others 5.1. I've been telling my girlfriends that "5.1 is massive" for years, maybe now they'll believe me. anyways, probably should go fly now.
You're looking at two different reports. There was one about 2am that was a 2.6. THen we had a second this morning about 8am that was the 5.1. I slept through the first one, but was drinking coffee when the second one hit.

I've been in more serious earthquakes in California while driving and I can't imagine any issues with flying. It might be a scary ride for someone up in the cab of a control tower though.
we just had an earthquake in NC. some are reporting 2.6 and others 5.1. I've been telling my girlfriends that "5.1 is massive" for years, maybe now they'll believe me. anyways, probably should go fly now.

Just be sure to use a proper slip if the runway is moving when you land.
If you can land on a carrier deck in a rolling sea, you should be able to land during an earthquake.
If the ground shifts a lot, will GPS approaches still be accurate enough? :)
Sure it is safe to fly during an earthquake. Only the ground shakes, not the air.....
The 1994 Northridge Earthquake (M6.7) happened before dawn. A radio station's airborne traffic reporter said the city lights appeared to be moving like waves in the ocean.

that's pretty freaky
I have landed immediately after an earthquake, at a rural airport. (I knew it had happened because of a distant radio report while approaching)

There were emergency vehicles (could see their flashing lights) so that concerned me....but as it turned out, no chasms/voids nor ridges in the runway, lol.
Its only a danger if part of your landing runway has suddenly developed a new magnetic heading...

I am from California...I have had wheel shimmies that are stronger than most earthquakes would be noticeable.
although not quite an earthquake......

btw, what is rotation speed on a winnebago?
we just had an earthquake in NC. some are reporting 2.6 and others 5.1. I've been telling my girlfriends that "5.1 is massive" for years, maybe now they'll believe me. anyways, probably should go fly now.

the " is in the wrong place
As long as you aren't flying, it's safe for the rest of us.
we just had an earthquake in NC. some are reporting 2.6 and others 5.1. I've been telling my girlfriends that "5.1 is massive" for years, maybe now they'll believe me. anyways, probably should go fly now.

How would you know not to fly? Earthquakes aren't very easy to predict.
As long as you takeoff / land on a treadmill, you're golden!
That was a movie.

so............u mean, we CAN'T predict earthquakes??!??? NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! NOW you tell me, groundnpounder. man, I sure could'a used this knowledge years ago.....been waiting for my earthquake spidey sense to kick in so I can hop in the plane.
we just had an earthquake in NC. some are reporting 2.6 and others 5.1. I've been telling my girlfriends that "5.1 is massive" for years, maybe now they'll believe me. anyways, probably should go fly now.
I've been telling mine that 2.6 is perfectly acceptable.
so............u mean, we CAN'T predict earthquakes??!??? NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! NOW you tell me, groundnpounder. man, I sure could'a used this knowledge years ago.....been waiting for my earthquake spidey sense to kick in so I can hop in the plane.

I'm not the person that started this thread. And don't be a dick.
About 35 minutes ago there was an earthquake centered right under the hold for the RNAV (GPS) Runway 4 approach to ONZ.