He's at it again.
This guy is just a treasure trove of anti-authoritarian nonsense and dangerous behavior. Threatening to run over the police and then demanding they refill his DC3. He's a gift that keeps on giving.
http://cityofgriffin.com/portals/1/...tes/2007/3Minutes Advisory Board 2 Aug 07.pdf
This guy is just a treasure trove of anti-authoritarian nonsense and dangerous behavior. Threatening to run over the police and then demanding they refill his DC3. He's a gift that keeps on giving.
http://cityofgriffin.com/portals/1/...tes/2007/3Minutes Advisory Board 2 Aug 07.pdf
Inspector McKee will testify that to refurbish the aircraft between November 2006 and January 2008 Gryder Networks, LLC brought the aircraft to several maintenance facilities who performed maintenance on the aircraft but who didn't make the appropriate logbook entries in the aircraft's maintenance records for the maintenance performed. Specifically, Mr. McKee will testify that Mr. Dan Gryder of Gryder Networks, LLC told the various maintenance facilities not to provide him with logbook entries for the maintenance performed. Also, for the logbook entries Mr. Gryder did receive he chose not to put these logbook entries in the aircraft's maintenance records. Additionally, Inspector McKee will testify that two avionics racks were installed into the aircraft, an installation which constituted a major alteration, without the necessary 337 form being submitted to and approved by the FAA. Further he will testify that after a major alteration of an aircraft has been performed a 337 form must be submitted to and approved by the FAA before that aircraft can be considered airworthy. Finally, he will testify that Gryder Networks, LLC operated the aircraft on 10 flights subsequent to the installation of these avionic racks (prior to a 337 form for this installation being submitted to (and approved by the FAA) and therefore these 10 flights were operated in an unairworthy condition.