Is Dan Gryder the biggest asset to aviation on youtube?

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Aug 26, 2015
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172 Guy
He's at it again.

This guy is just a treasure trove of anti-authoritarian nonsense and dangerous behavior. Threatening to run over the police and then demanding they refill his DC3. He's a gift that keeps on giving. Advisory Board 2 Aug 07.pdf

Inspector McKee will testify that to refurbish the aircraft between November 2006 and January 2008 Gryder Networks, LLC brought the aircraft to several maintenance facilities who performed maintenance on the aircraft but who didn't make the appropriate logbook entries in the aircraft's maintenance records for the maintenance performed. Specifically, Mr. McKee will testify that Mr. Dan Gryder of Gryder Networks, LLC told the various maintenance facilities not to provide him with logbook entries for the maintenance performed. Also, for the logbook entries Mr. Gryder did receive he chose not to put these logbook entries in the aircraft's maintenance records. Additionally, Inspector McKee will testify that two avionics racks were installed into the aircraft, an installation which constituted a major alteration, without the necessary 337 form being submitted to and approved by the FAA. Further he will testify that after a major alteration of an aircraft has been performed a 337 form must be submitted to and approved by the FAA before that aircraft can be considered airworthy. Finally, he will testify that Gryder Networks, LLC operated the aircraft on 10 flights subsequent to the installation of these avionic racks (prior to a 337 form for this installation being submitted to (and approved by the FAA) and therefore these 10 flights were operated in an unairworthy condition.

I dunno, I haven’t kept up with much of his recent stuff after his little collaboration with Josh Flowers, but I found those specific videos to be informative and well put together. That said, he’s probably more or less just another talking head, who may or may not have useful things to share from time to time.
YouTube keeps recommending his videos. I watched a few and quickly realized he is yet another of the aviation ilk who have absorbed too much lead from avgas over the years. I finally figured out how to get YouTube to stop recommending his videos.
How did you do that with you tube?
I like the videos done with Aviation101 but other then that he is off the deep end. I no longer watch his videos after he trashed a pilot immediately after a fatal with not even an initial report out. One should at the very least have respect and show sympathy for the families left to deal with the outcome of such an event. Obviously he has no class.
I can’t seem to find this on the mobile version of YouTube. Will look later on the real computer.
It’s there. Click the three dots and then click ‘Not Interested’.
Youtube has created a mechanism where people who like to hear themselves talk can make good money off the activity. Gryder is just the manifestation of that in aviation. There are entire channels about unboxing shoes or consumer electronics.
I did. Not interested is not available as an option.

U don’t see this?

U don’t see this?

I am signed in and both of the options you circled are not available. I think it might be because of setting for privacy etc. I always have the most restrictive options selected. If they are not tracking my activity to make recommendations then there’s no need to ignore a channel. That’s my best guess.
All of the YT'ers have to shock and become caricatures of themselves in order to get clicks. I think he takes strong positions in order to advance his standings. He reminds me a little of my ex in that both are "Often wrong, never in doubt."
I have made judicious use of that button. However I've never actually seen one of Dan's videos just based on what I've read here..

The YouTube algorithm is an enigma.. because I've clicked not interested in a number of videos only to get similar recommendations that are virtually identical

Oh well
YouTube does a pretty good job of figuring out what I want to see.

Nothing by Dan Gryder has been offered that I've noticed.
Because he opines on crashes, I think the algorithm lumps him in with AOPA Air Safety Foundation. I’m a big fan of one, but not the other.
The YouTube algorithm is an enigma.. because I've clicked not interested in a number of videos only to get similar recommendations that are virtually identical

Oh well

The great mystery of algorithms. No matter how many times I tell LinkedIn that I am not interested in some financial analyst in California, he'll pop up in next week's suggested links.
Even more bizarre are their job search functions: We noticed you viewed an ad for 'Associate Professor of Abdominal imaging at WVU', here are some ads for jobs as home health aide in your town!
One day YouTube is showing me ads for Depends, next day it's Pampers. I don't know what that means.
The video that Flightchops put out flying a DC-3 at Oshkosh with Dan where they almost blew a J-3 over doing their runup and then he decided to do an impromptu airshow display really soured me to him.

The video that Flightchops put out flying a DC-3 at Oshkosh with Dan where they almost blew a J-3 over doing their runup and then he decided to do an impromptu airshow display really soured me to him.
I'd say Youtube knows me pretty well.

It recommended a video of a seal farting to both my daughter (age 14) and me at about the same time. Which we then shared with each other!

which you are then going to share with PoA............right?
"Is Dan Gryder the biggest tool on aviation youtube?"

Seriously, is there much on aviation YouTube that isn't idiotic? I'll make exceptions for ASF and maybe the Savvy maintenance videos, but everything there by individual "influencers" is such garbage that it makes even the rants in forums like this one look like thoughtful lectures by Wolfgang Langwiesche, Leighton Collins, etc in comparison.
Dan knows he'll be rewarded for being controversial; you've gotten folks to check him out with this post!
Most of us have had strong opinions (you should have heard the talk after Kennedy and Denver screwed their respective pooches) that, when voiced, may make us appear to be something we're not.
(I am reminded of a famous radio talk show host, who died recently of lung cancer. His approach changed dramatically from three decades ago to the most recent times; he knew how to get the audience he wanted.)
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