A university education is for making a better-rounded and generally informed person. I'm sure many who haven't bothered with an education from a good school think they're no worse off - if they only knew how much they're missing.
This country would be in much better shape if people would just learn a little about science, the principles of civic discourse, and economics 101.
Loved my Econ courses, but mostly they just taught me that Econ isn't science and no one has it figured out. Also taught me that the University I chose was completely and utterly in love with Keynes and gave no other Economic theories the time of day.
Science courses were just "applied math", and by "applied" I mean, in a structured way (scientific method). Anyone could learn to do that on their own, if motivated.
"Principals of civic discourse" wasn't a required course that I ever saw on any of the courses I would have had to take to finish my degree back in the day.
However, "Multicultural Studies" taught by a flaming liberal (and by "flaming" I mean even the liberal students in the course were completely uncomfortable most of the time) was required.
The entire course could have been summed up with two sentences, "Not everyone in the world agrees with you. Learn to get along." It was a waste of money and time for anyone brought up in a family that already held that value, and turned into a "Let's sit in a room and watch the intolerant and overly-tolerant students argue for an hour three times a week" session. The Professor (fully-tenured of course) just let it be an all-out brawl unless it was "speech night" in which students re-iterated their positions we'd all already heard from them in the open discussion sessions.
To make that course effective, the Prof would have had to have forced students to argue the opposite opinion than they actually held. No way was that squishy Prof going to require that.
Since I was paying cash for school and working three jobs to do it, mostly that class just ****ed me off in general since I was paying to watch a disorganized Prof who had no chance of a complaint even touching them, sit there and milk us all for $500-$1000.