Taxi to Parking
So, at 1118 posts here, have we come to a consensus yet on which is better, Nexus 7 or iPad?

(cue Jay chiming in with "Nexus!", return to post 1, lather, rinse, repeat.

So, at 1118 posts here, have we come to a consensus yet on which is better, Nexus 7 or iPad?
So, at 1118 posts here, have we come to a consensus yet on which is better, Nexus 7 or iPad?
Hell, we've been working on high wing vs. low wing and nose dragger vs. tail dragger for much longer than that.
Actually, the life cycle of these products actually argues in favor of the lower cost one. Less depreciation, lower replacement cost.
Everything is disposable these days.
So, at 1118 posts here, have we come to a consensus yet on which is better, Nexus 7 or iPad? long as what you have meets your needs, there's no reason in the world to upgrade.
Agreed, but as I haven't yet climbed aboard, is there any reason to wait for 5.0 Key Lime Pie?
Agreed, but as I haven't yet climbed aboard, is there any reason to wait for 5.0 Key Lime Pie?
So, at 1118 posts here, have we come to a consensus yet on which is better, Nexus 7 or iPad?
Let's sum up:
The only thing you can say, in any attempt to defend the Apple product, is "I like ForeFlight better".
Well then, you may note that the N7 is heavier, thicker, lacks a high res camera, and tops out at 50% of the maximum available RAM of the Mini. But maybe those aren't "measurable" on a spec sheet?
I don't care, I'm chiefly attached to the iPad because I'm attached to the iOS ecosystem, and because I like Foreflight, but let's not exaggerate. I also REALLY appreciate 64Gb of storage when I'm traveling in areas where access to my media on the cloud is really slow.
Let's sum up:
- Processor speed? Nexus 7
- Display resolution? Nexus 7
- Price? Nexus 7
- Operating system customization? Nexus 7
It's really not even close.
The only thing you can say, in any attempt to defend the Apple product, is "I like ForeFlight better".'s the nature of the beast. Better, faster and cheaper the next time around. We should be celebrating that!! long as what you have meets your needs, there's no reason in the world to upgrade.
^^ Oh, the fanboy is strong with this one.![]()
No, I gave the iPad a two year shot. It was fine, but the Nexus 7 is simply better, and costs far less to own.
No, we are all reading your posts.
You've been gushing like a schoolgirl at a Justin Bieber concert.
Those Apple fanboys got nuthin' on you.
The difference between me, and an Apple fanboi, is that I actually owned and used the opposing product for two YEARS before passing judgment.
In other words, my opinion is based on actual experience, not on an infatuation with shiny things.![]()
I keep mine gorgeously naked.
The Nexus 7 is like a warm puppy that worms its way into your life. Soon, you'll find yourself taking it everywhere, and talking to it. It's everything I wanted the iPad to be.
In my tryptophan/egg nog-induced post Xmas-eve dinner stupor, I realized that today marks 5 months with the Asus Nexus 7 tablet. Thus, I thought I'd give you guys an update on this remarkable device.
It would be no exaggeration to say that the N7 truly changed my world. Almost immediately, it began to go everywhere with me...
You would think after five months the shine might be off the apple (lol!), but nope -- we just keep finding new things to do with it.
I'm not sure if I would know how to structure a day without one anymore!![]()
We'll just have to shake hands, crack a beer, and agree that the Nexus 7 is the best product ever made.
Obviously the N7 does everything I was using my iPad for, and more.... It has truly become ubiquitous...
No, I gave the iPad a two year shot. It was fine, but the Nexus 7 is simply better, and costs far less to own.
El Paso
Poor guy, seems to have waaaaaay too much time to burn. I'd suggest flying....
If you had an iPad and "it was fine", you actually spent $199 (or $249 for the 32G) more than you needed to.
Cost of an iPad + Cost of a Nexus 7 > Cost of a Nexus 7 alone.
But if you like it and another $199 is worth what you wanted, who am I to judge?
Even if a Nexus is better, I see no need to buy another device to replace one that is working well. If and when my iPad dies, then the Nexus is a very viable replacement and the cost difference is a good consideration. But $199 buys a lot of other stuff if I don't need a replacement for something that fits my needs.
OTOH, if pilots were financially astute, they wouldn't be pilots in the first place
Wow, I'll say. I can't imagine having time to read, sort, copy and paste a post like that! It must've taken an hour!![]()
I have to agree. The iPad is superior to the Nexus 7. Keep in mind that if the iPad is too big, there is always the iPad mini.
Let's sum up:
- Processor speed? Nexus 7
- Display resolution? Nexus 7
- Price? Nexus 7
- Operating system customization? Nexus 7
It's really not even close.
The only thing you can say, in any attempt to defend the Apple product, is "I like ForeFlight better".
For me I have to use an iPad because my company requires it in the cockpit, we can't use another EFB. I have used the Nexus 7 and it is pretty damn sweet, but I HATE Android, it is so buggy and botched together.
Having just been approved for the iPad Mini I sold my iPad 3 and bought a Mini. I have been very happy with it so far even though I took a hit not having a retina display anymore.
Are you serious? Are you talking about the iPad mini versus the Nexus 7?
Mini or regular iPad, although the regular one now has screen resolution equal to the Nexus 7's. The Mini's is markedly inferior to the N7's.
iOS doesn't have multiple users. Therefore, prima facia, ipso facto, iOS sucks!
The screen of the Nexus 7 is not better than the 9.7in iPad retina display, sorry. Pixel density is lower than the Nexus 7, its simple numbers. Ram is the same, in capacity. But all I have to do is google benchmark tests to see that the Nexus 7 loses to the iPad 4 in every performance perimeter. Hell, according to the Nexus 7 is dead last against the Nexus 10, iPad 4, and even iPad Mini in CPU performance. The Nexus 7 also falls below the iPad 4 and Mini in GPU performance.