iPad help

They need a Linux server! (grin)
Yea, I finally got it to work while talking to tech support last night. He had no idea what was going on, but I refreshed the screen while he was checking and it came right up. Later downloaded Foreflight and I'm looking forward to becoming an adept user <g>.
I just got the charts for now since I have three GPSes in the plane. May have to do a glare shield; just have to see.


Hey is there a way to divide the desktop so that 'her' apps on are on her side, and mine are handy?
Cant seem to move any app icons around at all in fact.
Just touch down on an icon and hold your finger on it for a few seconds. After a couple seconds of that all the icons will start to pulse/wiggle and you can move them to different positions or different screens.
I too have an anti-glare cover on mine. Wouldn't own one with out one.
I have an anti-glare screen cover, and strongly recommend it for cockpit use. It easily improves in cockpit readability a few hundred percent.

I am out of town and don't have the info the specific one it got, but search on Amazon.
OK I dl'd the FF app.
It says my subscription expires June.
I did not give it a cc number but maybe it has one throught itunes, not sure (wife's).
Is the trial fully functional or do I need to purchase to get the moving map, georef'd charts etc?

Jesse, I can get them to wiggle and to move. But I want to put the Youtube Icon 2" from the bottom and 3/4" from the right. I can't move them exactly where I want them and get them to stick.
No you can't put them where you want, just pick the order of them, they always stack starting top left.
OK I dl'd the FF app.
It says my subscription expires June.
I did not give it a cc number but maybe it has one throught itunes, not sure (wife's).
Is the trial fully functional or do I need to purchase to get the moving map, georef'd charts etc?

Jesse, I can get them to wiggle and to move. But I want to put the Youtube Icon 2" from the bottom and 3/4" from the right. I can't move them exactly where I want them and get them to stick.
The trial does not allow you to download teh plates,maps,etc for all the states you want. You basically need data service available to use it.
You basically need data service

Does this mean I need a Verizon (or ATT, where applicable) data service plan to use Foreflight?
I was hoping to get by with wifi.
Or by data service do you mean I need to purchase the full FF offering in order to see the moving map?
On the trial you will. With the full version you download the data onto the machine and don't need a connection.
Does this mean I need a Verizon (or ATT, where applicable) data service plan to use Foreflight?
I was hoping to get by with wifi.
Or by data service do you mean I need to purchase the full FF offering in order to see the moving map?
When you are using the trial you need to be connected to wifi or data service to load maps because you can't download them all.

When you purchase the full version you can download all the maps and charts for the states you want (or the whole country) onto the device. Then you'll be able to use all the features (minus the weather ones) without internet access.
If I have it right, this is a one-step dl to the ipad without the use of an intermediary such as a laptop.
Can I make a backup of the dl to a laptop?
Can I connect the ipad to the laptop at all?
If so, is it faster to load direct to laptop first?
You can download the ForeFlight app to teh laptop and then sync it. That is it.

Once ForeFlight is on the iPad you do all the downloads of the maps, charts, etc in the foreflight app on the ipad. The iPad will need internet service either by wifi or a data plan.
OK I dl'd the FF app.
It says my subscription expires June.

That'd be the trial subscription, unless you specifically bought one.

I did not give it a cc number but maybe it has one throught itunes, not sure (wife's).

The way all in-app purchases work on the iPad and iPhone is through iTunes - That way, only Apple has your credit card number. ForeFlight will never get it, Apple just cuts them a check each month.

Is the trial fully functional or do I need to purchase to get the moving map, georef'd charts etc?

It's fully functional except for the downloading of charts for use in flight. So, it'll work (albeit a bit slowly) as long as you have an active internet connection.

There are 2 subscriptions - The $75/year one gets you everything except georeferenced approach plates and taxi diagrams (you still get the plates, you just won't see a little blue airplane showing your position). The $150/yr includes that as well.

Once you have a subscription, you can go to the "Downloads" tab and set up what charts and what states you want it to download, and it'll download and store them on the iPad so you can use it in flight (or anywhere else you don't have an internet connection available - Note that live weather always requires an internet connection, for now). Then, when there's new data available, it'll alert you via a little "badge" on the Downloads icon that shows the number of new data items available for download.
Does this mean I need a Verizon (or ATT, where applicable) data service plan to use Foreflight?

NO. You do need an internet connection of some sort, but WiFi will do.

Or by data service do you mean I need to purchase the full FF offering in order to see the moving map?

You'll need to purchase a ForeFlight subscription to be able to download charts/plates/etc to your iPad and view them without an internet connection, such as when you're in flight.
If I have it right, this is a one-step dl to the ipad without the use of an intermediary such as a laptop.


Can I make a backup of the dl to a laptop?

When you connect the iPad to a laptop with iTunes on it, iTunes will automatically back up everything on the iPad.

Can I connect the ipad to the laptop at all?

Yup - There should be a white cable in the box with one end that plugs into the connector just underneath the home button and one end that's a standard USB plug to put into your computer. Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes on the computer (http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/) and just "plug and chug".

If so, is it faster to load direct to laptop first?

Nope... That'll simply depend on your internet connection speed. And for the actual aviation data, that must be downloaded to the iPad first. The computer will back it up, but there's no provision to download it to the computer first.

You can download apps and such to the computer first, if you'd rather search for them in the iTunes store on the computer rather than on the iPad.
Downloading now.
Got the georef'd version.
Rats no Mexico, oh well.
The way all in-app purchases work on the iPad and iPhone is through iTunes - That way, only Apple has your credit card number. ForeFlight will never get it, Apple just cuts them a check each month.
Except when you have a subscription and you try to upgrade to the georef version. That dumps you off to a spreedly page wrapped in a webview where you input your credit card number. I have no idea how they're getting away with bypassing Apple for the upgrade but they are.
Except when you have a subscription and you try to upgrade to the georef version. That dumps you off to a spreedly page wrapped in a webview where you input your credit card number. I have no idea how they're getting away with bypassing Apple for the upgrade but they are.

I think they have to bypass it to be able to pro-rate the subscriptions.

Apparently there is something about using a webview that's okay in certain circumstances, but I sure didn't understand it. Have a lawyer read the agreement, maybe they'll be able to figure it out.
small print, 'this is an auto renewing deal'. Which means a credit card bill in 1 year. Not a problem if that is your desire. I know some like to be asked first, there is no asking done here by FF. Minor quibble.
I think they have to bypass it to be able to pro-rate the subscriptions.

Apparently there is something about using a webview that's okay in certain circumstances, but I sure didn't understand it. Have a lawyer read the agreement, maybe they'll be able to figure it out.
It also saves Foreflight a big pile of money.
It also saves Foreflight a big pile of money.

... which, in this instance, is probably just going direct to Seattle Avionics, who's providing the data for ALL of the various georeferenced plate solutions, I think - And ForeFlight's got the cheapest subscription of all of them.

But you're right. 30% ain't chump change.
I don't like auto renewals for several reasons. If something ever happened to me, someone would have to find all the charges were being made and stop them. I've also just had them renew when I didn't want them renewed. One solution is to use a cc that expires in a year or less <g>.
I think subscribers should have a choice.

I had to stop some auto charges for my Dad when he passes. Most folks were very nice about it; some created some real paper work headaches at a stressful time.


Foreflight, loaded in about 4 hours. Hope to try next week. Canceled paper subscription.
Now, how about a roadmap app?
Now, how about a roadmap app?


There's a Maps app on every iPad - It's basically Google Maps, and you can use the satellite view or the regular view. However, you'll need to have an internet connection active for it to work, so if you don't sign up for a 3G data plan it won't do you much good in your car.

Another one you should check out if you do want to use it in your car (without a data plan) is MotionX GPS Drive HD. That will let you pre-load maps for a trip while you're at home so it'll work in the car. However, I think that when you change your route you'll need a connection... I'm not sure. :dunno: But, it might work.

found it.

-how do I get it to show my location? (wifi is working)

-if it will georef using foreflight, why won't a mapping program work in the car without a data plan??

-if it will georef using foreflight, why won't a mapping program work in the car without a data plan??

Anything google maps based needs the data plan to download maps since it doesn't store them.

This approach really isn't very good for rural areas with poor coverage (like Wyoming).

found it.

-how do I get it to show my location? (wifi is working)

-if it will georef using foreflight, why won't a mapping program work in the car without a data plan??

The device can pinpoint your location, but it can't download new map tiles to display the underlying data. Foreflight stores the map data on your device, so that it can display it when you aren't online (that's what the download process is).
The device can pinpoint your location, but it can't download new map tiles to display the underlying data. Foreflight stores the map data on your device, so that it can display it when you aren't online (that's what the download process is).

Can one force a map dl?
I know I am going to be leaving pt A, going to pt B via I-XY,
is there no way to dl the detailed maps before the cell signal falls off?
Can one force a map dl?
I know I am going to be leaving pt A, going to pt B via I-XY,
is there no way to dl the detailed maps before the cell signal falls off?
No. But there are apps you can purchase for navigation that can download. Like the TomTom app.
Hey is there a way to divide the desktop so that 'her' apps on are on her side, and mine are handy?

How do I make new, empty folders on the desktop (what is the correct term for dt?)
How do I make new, empty folders on the desktop (what is the correct term for dt?)
You can create categories by dragging one app onto another. I'm not sure if you can have an empty category. Wouldn't be much point in it.
How do I make two separate but identical 'Mail' icons, or 'Safari' icons? aka 'shortcuts' in the MS world
How do I make two separate but identical 'Mail' icons, or 'Safari' icons? aka 'shortcuts' in the MS world
You don't. No way to do that. What are you trying to accomplish?
Can one force a map dl?
I know I am going to be leaving pt A, going to pt B via I-XY,
is there no way to dl the detailed maps before the cell signal falls off?

Not in that Google Maps app - But MotionX (the app I linked to before) can do that.
How do I make new, empty folders on the desktop (what is the correct term for dt?)

You create folders by first holding down your finger on an icon until they start wiggling (just like you move them) and then drag one icon on top of another.

You don't create an "empty" folder and then populate it. I'm not sure would happen if you created a folder and then took everything out of it. But, you don't need to create and then add - You simply drag one icon on top of another.

By default, the folder will be named by the category of apps. Say you drag one game on top of another, the folder will be named "Games". But you can rename them too (tap on the folder name while the icons are wiggling).

The correct term for "desktop" is "home screen" I think... But we know what you're talking about, and that's the important thing. :thumbsup:
How do I make two separate but identical 'Mail' icons, or 'Safari' icons? aka 'shortcuts' in the MS world

Hmmm. Well, you don't... Not generic ones anyway - You can make icons that'll open up a particular web site (for example, I have a PoA icon on my iPhone).

But, like Jesse said, what are you trying to accomplish? If you want an app to always be available on all the different home screens as you swipe back and forth, just put it down at the bottom in the "Dock". Mail, Safari, iPod, and Photos I think are down there by default. You can have a total of 6 "Docked" apps.
Ah now I see why you can't answer.
I am trying to accomplish:
we are sharing the ipad and have different ideas about organization. Men and women are apparently different wrt that. Left brain/right brain thing. Anyway, I like all my apps or files extremely organized. (and certainly not mixed in with a bunch of someone else's..apps) It helps me find stuff later. Gives needed ritual to life. Or something like that.
So, I would like to label one folder Mine and the other Hers, and dump our respective apps including each our own mail, and safari apps in the two folders.
Maybe it will allow partitioning of the entire ipad?