I've got to admit that, even with all of the obvious benefits of an efb on a tablet in the cockpit (there are MANY), I still miss paper charts and plates. Probably because they are what existed during my initial training, but I still feel as if I have a better "big picture" of the geographic area with a paper chart, and I've never had a chart overheat or require rebooting. Of course, that's only happened once with my tablet, but it was one more than paper. I'm still surprised that vfr flying without paper backup sectionals and an A/FD is allowed. I fly with a tablet, a backup tablet, and a backup on my phone, three backup battery banks.... And an expired sectional and A/FD just in case a renegade emp kills everything. Don't get me wrong.. I love what my efb (iFlyGPS and homebuilt stratux with ahrs and waas gps module) can do.