i used to have an iphone..then ios whatever came out and the thing didn't have enough memory to install it so i quit having an iphone. I'm all about people enjoying their shiny new toys, but planned obsolescence antagonizes me as a consumer. Homey don't play that.
When you buy an iDevice (or just about any device) you are really leasing it for 2 years. After that, you'll need another one if you want to stay up to date.
Mentally accept that when purchasing and it gets easier.
This is why I refuse to buy an apple watch. It's priced more than I would normally pay for a watch and it's useful lifetime is _far_ less.
Granted Apple takes it to extremes which indeed annoys the crap out of me as well, with this technology, obsolescence in a few years is something that will happen planned or not.
When you buy an iDevice (or just about any device) you are really leasing it for 2 years. After that, you'll need another one if you want to stay up to date.
Mentally accept that when purchasing and it gets easier.
This is why I refuse to buy an apple watch. It's priced more than I would normally pay for a watch and it's useful lifetime is _far_ less.
On-wrist notifications without pulling out your phone is the main reason. But, you can do that with an $80 pebble watch whose battery lasts an entire week.
Yeah, not fond enough of something on my wrist to make that worthwhile for me.
I've been wearing a watch since I was a kid, so it's second nature....
Funny, I keep my wedding band on to prevent injury!
Granted Apple takes it to extremes which indeed annoys the crap out of me as well, with this technology, obsolescence in a few years is something that will happen planned or not.
I don't know, I bought the 32GB iPad2 when it first came out and didn't replace it until last December, mostly because I wanted more memory, everything still worked fine.
Those statements read a bit contradictory to me. The iPad 2 came out in March, 2011, and they are still supporting it, 4 years later.
Yeah, not fond enough of something on my wrist to make that worthwhile for me.
Yeah, what Apple does that annoys me is leaving out features that are perfectly available at the time and adding them next year for the annual upgrade sell-a-thon. It doesn't affect me personally, as I won't buy the unit unless it has all the features I want, but creates a lot of waste among the fanboys.
Still sounds contradictory. If it doesn't affect you personally, why should it annoy you?
All planned waste annoys me.
Then you must be a very annoyed person. I'm not sure what is being wasted here, but whatever. It runs on the same tablet.
I haven't upgraded to 8.3 yet. You early adopters let me know when it's safe to come out of my 8.2 shell and install 8.4...definitely won't be before Aug 1.
Very annoyed since 70%+ of all our energy we produce is waste heat, even more when you figure in wasted base load on the grid.
Well, show some leadership here. Apple annoys you, don't buy their products.
It would help if you show a citation for your number you mentioned, given your track record of making things up.
Thermal efficiency of all our power plants except a very few range between 25% and 35%.
That is a citation? All you did was subtract one number from another and said the same thing. Again a citation given your record of making stuff up?
What does this have to do with Apple annoying you by not putting a feature in the tablet, that you don't care about personally?
Considering 8.3 came out almost three months ago and it had a defect that affected many of us...that was never fixed until now...three months later...
...I'd say Apple was lifting a big middle finger towards their customers.
8.3 affected a small minority. It never upset my uses including Foreflight and Garmin Pilot. You guys make mountains of molehills. 8.4 appears to be working perfectly, too.
Apple may have just changed the way be manage music... again. Apple Music has a subscription that allows you unlimited access to an incredible music inventory. Not just songs but full albums. And you can elect to save for offline listening. I suspect that offline access is dependent on an active subscription but still. For a monthly fee you can eliminate music purchases. For me that's a pretty big savings on an annual basis. 8.4 includes Apple Music and you can get a free 3 month trial. Mine's playing now. Very cool.