If you left your 182 in a Marne, Michigan cornfield, the FAA would like to speak to you

Maybe the registration is expired or the plane was de registered. Maybe a Canadian aircraft.
Reminded me of this story about 7 years ago:

Pilot flies into town for a meeting, attempts to land on a road, crashes, walks into town so he doesn't miss the meeting. Someone driving by sees a crashed airplane and calls it in. Cops show up and can't find the pilot. Eventually he comes back to check on the plane.

A year later he does it again:

Per news report, registered to an owner in nearby Coopersville, MI. That makes it a 1961-D model.
Last flight aware track I could find was from 11/2023
Owner has a ppc, received in 2016, second class medical 1/2016
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Kinda like the scene in the movie where the baseball players come walking out if a cornfield. “If you build a runway, they will come…..”
Hope we get the full story, I'm all ears.
This is pretty close to home, I’ll keep my ears open for any rumor mill info I can pick up at the airport
The preliminary states an absence of popcorn indicates possible fuel starvation.