If you left your 182 in a Marne, Michigan cornfield, the FAA would like to speak to you

I ear what you guys did there…
In news where you can't make this up, the owner of this aircraft (Brackett) replied to this Cessna group ad:

Per the thread title, it sounds like someone needs to cultivate their relationship with the FAA.
The pilot ran away because he was yellow.
The circumstances of this event appear rather seedy.
I think he hit the silk so he wouldn’t buy the farm. His post-landing taxi pattern is pretty rough, too - it looks like a maize. I’m sure he’ll be able to harvest an insurance settlement - he’s an expert in this field!
It could probably taxi back to the barn if you cobbed the power.
A landing like that, I would have soiled my pants.
I wonder if he went into town to fritter time away while waiting for emergency services.