I got hired !


Filing Flight Plan
Feb 8, 2024
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Ethan Ash
I live in Dallas, I have my commercial license with 400TT. I applied to every entry level job in the country and finally got hired dropping skydivers in South Dakota in a C206. Is there anything I should know before starting the journey?
Congratulations. What part of South Dakota?
It blows there, almost every day. I spent 8 months there flying for a part 91, the big hangar west of the approach end of 21.
Congratulations, fly as much as you can.
It blows there, almost every day. I spent 8 months there flying for a part 91, the big hangar west of the approach end of 21.
Congratulations, fly as much as you can.
Just a thought Is going to be a hard time to get pic cross country since you are back and forth at same airport?
Do not take the skills you learn into future jobs.

Skydiver pilots have a set of rules that do not blend with other aviation jobs.

My first job was a skydiver pilot. Always expected to cut corners and fly somewhat erratically in the pattern.

Congrats on the job, not trying to diminish your accomplishment.
Just trying to make your future a happy one.
Do not take the skills you learn into future jobs.

Skydiver pilots have a set of rules that do not blend with other aviation jobs.

My first job was a skydiver pilot. Always expected to cut corners and fly somewhat erratically in the pattern.

Congrats on the job, not trying to diminish your accomplishment.
Just trying to make your future a happy one.
Very few people said this opinion... You are correct.

Do not take the skills you learn into future jobs.

Skydiver pilots have a set of rules that do not blend with other aviation jobs.

My first job was a skydiver pilot. Always expected to cut corners and fly somewhat erratically in the pattern.

Congrats on the job, not trying to diminish your accomplishment.
Just trying to make your future a happy one.
I’ll make sure to remember that, thx. I’ve definetly heard some stories
GOOD advice.

FYI for those who do not understand, a fun trick the skydivers will do is turn the mags off, and take the key with them.

So also practice your dead stick landings.

That’d be a first-time/last-time event for that jumper in my plane. It would also be a first-time/last-time event for the company I worked for.

If that’s acceptable culture in that part of the industry, there’s something wrong enough no one should be willing to fly recreational jumpers.
I live in Dallas, I have my commercial license with 400TT. I applied to every entry level job in the country and finally got hired dropping skydivers in South Dakota in a C206. Is there anything I should know before starting the journey?
Learn how to jump, free fall, with the parachute. You should be flying with one. Get very good at slow flight and knowing what happens to the CG and Drag when everyone leaves the airplane.
Flew out of a rural airport with a skydiving operation for many years. Pilots did not fly a standard pattern. Locals got used to it. Transient aircraft seemed to have no clue many times, even though announced on the CTAF and ATC. Standard pattern was a max. performance dive from altitude to a right base.

I really enjoyed the business being at the airport. Everyone around that sport was just fun to be around. A lot of young enthusiasm with a welcoming attitude. A great place to go to work cuz everyone loved being there, even if they weren't jumping.
Is there anything I should know before starting the journey?
If first you don't succeed,

then skydiving is not for you...

Seriously, do not leave any personal belongings overnight in the building. You never know when the owner of the business will take the money, (payroll) padlock the doors and leave town. It has happened.
I had a briefing prior to flight with skydivers. It went something like this- This is my airplane and the keys stay with me. If you take the keys, this will be your last jump here, I will deadstick this airplane back on the airport and you won’t like what happens when I find you after. Any questions?

They think stealing keys is funny but it’s total negligence on their part. Set the tone with them and back it up.
That’d be a first-time/last-time event for that jumper in my plane. It would also be a first-time/last-time event for the company I worked for.

If that’s acceptable culture in that part of the industry, there’s something wrong enough no one should be willing to fly recreational jumpers.

Well, it already takes a bit of a different mindset to willingly jump out of the plane in the first place. So yeah, I could see yanking the key being considered a fun prank on their part.

Full disclosure, I have my freefall jump wings and don't see the humor in it.
Was on a cross country one time going out of state for a jump meet. After a while in cruise the jumpers in the back would open the rear fuselage hatch on a twin beech and pull on control cables. Making me go WTF is happening. After I caught them in the act I didn't say any thing, but told the person in the right seat to let me know when one of them tried to use the relief tube. There was always a cooler full of beer in the back that always got emptied while going somewhere. So it was just a matter of time. When the first one up got to flowing real good, I bounced him off the ceiling, floor, and both insides of the plane while he squirted on everyone toward the back. I never had a problem with any skydivers since.
Pull the keys out and jump? Well, the first one may find it funny but the second will recall what I did with the baseball bat to the first one and think again.
Ethan, Congratulations. & See your private email.
Remember, the most imporant person on the aircraft is the JUMPmaster.
If lines and silk get loose out the door, you are also going out the door.....
And get some first class cold weather gear :)
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Just remember you are the only Profesional on the plane. Everybody else is there for fun. It puts the pilot into a bit of an unwanted babysitter position. Not good. It's your ratings and career on the line not theirs. I watched a jump pilot quit because of that once. Good for him...
Just remember you are the only Profesional on the plane. Everybody else is there for fun. It puts the pilot into a bit of an unwanted babysitter position. Not good. It's your ratings and career on the line not theirs. I watched a jump pilot quit because of that once. Good for him...
I don’t necessarily agree with that. As a former skydiver I still have a lot of friends that have been pro skydivers as their only employment for years. Guys with families and mortgage; they are professionals and several have 5x more flying time than the kids flying the airplanes.

I’m not saying what you said isn’t sometimes true… just less often than you may think. And to say that the people making a living throwing drogues aren’t professionals just sets a bad tone IMO.

OP: lots of good advice here, ask lots of questions, have some fun and be in charge of your airplane (and the keys). Good luck and congrats!
Somewhat related to this thread: I always thought jumping out of airplanes was more of a summer thing until a few weeks ago. Took off from Nashville a few weeks ago. OAT was around -10C on the ground. About an hour north of Nashville, I had the following exchange with flight following:

ATC: Comanche, steer 15 degrees right to avoid skydiving activity in your path.
Me: Skydiving activity? A bit cold for that isn't it?
ATC: I thought the same, yet here they are.
Me: Roger.

Any skydivers (or skydive pilots) have a comment on this? Do you really jump out of planes at temps well below freezing? If so, my next question would be: Why?