How would you like your Tombstone?

The runway was built over part of a cemetery. They embedded the tombstones in the runway.
Hate to be a downer, but the way that stone is deteriorating I see fod or an uneven surface over time.
I've landed and spent a few days hanging around that airport. It's a pretty interesting place if you're an ultralight pilot or flying something like a Rans Light sport. When I landed my Pitts there they were all out with a video camera because "crap, nobody's ever brought a Pitts in here before." I can verify that there are indeed tombstones in the runway.
I've landed and spent a few days hanging around that airport. It's a pretty interesting place if you're an ultralight pilot or flying something like a Rans Light sport. When I landed my Pitts there they were all out with a video camera because "crap, nobody's ever brought a Pitts in here before." I can verify that there are indeed tombstones in the runway.

Other than being short and narrow (and having embedded tombstones) that runway used to have a dogleg at about the midpoint. I think that was addressed when the airport went through its latest round of upgrades.
I see some bad karma. Could they not respectfully move the graves?

By the dates on the tombstone (1816 to 1861)... I doubt there is much of the remains left to find. Is it more respectful to leave and embed the stone or just move the stone?
By the dates on the tombstone (1816 to 1861)... I doubt there is much of the remains left to find. Is it more respectful to leave and embed the stone or just move the stone?

Does karma have an expiration date?