Pre-takeoff checklist
Thank you...even though the answer has become obvious...that is the most complete answer to my question yet.
Now to spin off on another tangent that is becoming a recurring theme here...just as I said that you have to either look at a VOR needle or GPS screen to get to the fix, both require some amount of "Heads Down"...what is the difference between looking at a sectional and folding it up, over and down to plot where you are vs an EFB like Foreflight with a moving map?....still gotta look at a chart to navigate.
I will agree with you that an over reliance of GPS...and any automation can be deadly if you follow it blindly or make assumptions (AKA Asiana Airlines), but the same argument could be made that is is adding to situational awareness and helps pilots be safer...kinda like it is not the gun that kills people...people kill people.
Glad you found my reply beneficial, 37 posts into this thread.
A sectional requires less "focused attention" (color coded diagrams, symbols, etc) than all these electronic apps. Compare reading a map while driving versus using your GPS to plug in a location or find yourself while driving.
My opinion.
Gotta know how to "orient your map" tho. This generation knows what that means, yes ?