If you fly enough your airplane eventually becomes an extension of your mind and body. You will wear it like a suit of clothes.
Can confirm. Upon recent arrival back at the
salt mines for another "voluntary" chapter to the saga of my so-called career, was casually informed I'm now the highest time T-38 guy on the entire installation. Talk about blink and you'll miss it.
Though I barely recognize the middle aged man staring me in the mirror, I certainly remember like it was yesterday the days where flying a cardinal RG for my first complex endorsement lesson felt like a moonshot. Ditto for my first 45* steep turn in a C-150 during ppl training making me airsick and my French female CFI casually emasculating me after the flight. The good ol days.
---brk-- brk--
@fast99 , you're in good company. We don't soar at birth.
None of us are self-made, especially those who like to fancy themselves as though they are.
fwiw, at this juncture I got just enough callus over gambling with my life for a living because I got lost on my way to med school, to plainly tell you: things will get easier/manageable as you keep at it. Doesn't feel like it in the beginning, it never does. But it will.
And then perhaps one bittersweet day, when you've battled through enough self-doubt, survived/gotten away with enough mistakes, and availed yourself to some life-changing mentorship, maybe you'll get the chance to pay it forward in this life. I promise you, that will also be the day you'll look back at your own doubt, and smirk. The man staring back at me in the mirror certainly does.
Remember, we crawl,
we run,
...before we Soar.
One day at a time, it's all we can do anyways. Fly safe. Cheers!