How much ethanol is too much

Would someone please just soak a few new/old seals and appropriate hose pieces in a cup of drugstore 70% rubbing alcohol (ethanol)?
Potential seals for the experiment:
Gas tank sender gasket
Fuel bladder material
primer o-rings
fuel drain o-rings
fuel line (hose)
carb gaskets and seals
As stated, rubbing alcohol is isopropanol.

It is specifically allowed in my plane up to 1% to deal with water contamination. Other models of the same make allow up to 3%. No idea why the difference.
Rubbing alcohol is isopropanol (propyl alcohol), not ethanol.
Propyl alcohol generally implies it is 1-propanol, with the hydroxyl at the end of the three-carbon chain. Isopropyl alcohol is 2-propanol, with the hydroxyl on the middle carbon. Not that it is particularly relevant to the discussion at hand. :)
Of course it went farther on 100% alcohol because there is more energy per volume in ethanol than in gasoline.
My references say the opposite: ethanol has about 72% of the energy that gasoline does.
Ethanol: 82,800 BTU / gallon. Gasoline: 114,500 BTU / gallon.

Where I disagree with you is your proposal to close the oil fields and burn strictly alcohol. Wouldn’t you agree that we need to have food to eat? Without corn and other grains there would be no livestock feed to speak of and there would be less farmland &or food crops. You can’t have it both was.
Agreed here. Blending ethanol into gasoline does not provide net environmental benefits and has significant costs. Ethanol blending mandates serve mainly political purposes, not engineering or environmental benefits.
I think I remember somewhere where it says, at the end of times, we will be burning our food.
When I was teaching a course on "Energy and Society," one of my favorite quotes was from Al Bartlett, who wrote “Modern agriculture is the use of land to convert petroleum into food.” When ethanol is used as a fuel, we are using fossil fuels to create food to create fuels, which is a gross abuse of thermodynamics.

The same argument can be applied to using fossil fuels to produce heat to produce electricity to produce heat. If one is going to engage with fossil fuels to produce heat one can just do it directly.
With the current efficiency of heat pumps, you can make more heat by burning the fuel to generate electricity for the heat pump.
With the current efficiency of heat pumps, you can make more heat by burning the fuel to generate electricity for the heat pump.
This depends on the non-fossil-fuel fraction of electrical generation, and the temperature differential the heat pump is operating in. In cold climates, ambient air heat pumps may not be efficient enough to produce sufficient heating.
Modern heat pumps in a Chicago-type climate, powered by a natural gas powerplant can be more efficient than burning natural gas in a household furnace.
Modern heat pumps in a Chicago-type climate, powered by a natural gas powerplant can be more efficient than burning natural gas in a household furnace.
How is that possible when modern home gas furnaces burn at 97% efficiency? Energy can not magically be created.

Even if the electricity running the heat pump is produced by the best combined-cycle gas turbine power plants, such turbines only achieve about 65% efficiency. Solar and wind, which despite a common misconception are not 100% efficient in terms of fossil fuel use to design, manufacture, transport, construct, and maintain, can't make up the difference.

I've always wondered if direct heat to electricity, thermoelectrics, are more efficient.
It is because a heat pump does not "generate" heat, it just moves it from the outside of the building to the inside. They are rated by Coefficient of Performance or COP. This is defined as (effective energy out)/(energy in). A typical COP (older unit) is 3. This means that for every kWh electricity it consumes, it outputs 3kWh to the building. If we call this "300% efficiency", then when combined with your 65% efficiency the overall result is 195%, higher than a resistance heater which is 100%.
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With the current efficiency of heat pumps, you can make more heat by burning the fuel to generate electricity for the heat pump.

This depends on the non-fossil-fuel fraction of electrical generation, and the temperature differential the heat pump is operating in. In cold climates, ambient air heat pumps may not be efficient enough to produce sufficient heating.
See this answer below. I had to do such a calculation for P-chem a long time ago when we were learning about Carnot cycles. "Efficiency" may not be the best word for cold weather. A given heat pump can only move a certain quantity of heat, just as a furnace needs to be properly sized for a building and climate.
It is because a heat pump does not "generate" heat, it just moves it from the outside of the building to the inside. They are rated by Coefficient of Performance or COP. This is defined as (energy in)/(effective energy out). A typical COP (older unit) is 3. This means that for every kWh electricity it consumes, it outputs 3kWh to the building. If we call this "300% efficiency", then when combined with your 65% efficiency the overall result is 195%, higher than a resistance heater which is 100%.