Hot Spot vs. Hot Zone


Cleared for Takeoff
Sep 18, 2012
St. Louis
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Jim F.
Ok, this is really bugging me... Everyone knows (hopefully) about hot spots published and labeled on airport diagrams. But when did a "hot zone" come around? I just noticed this peculiar label on the KMKL airport diagram, encompassing the southern portion of taxiway A. After searching the FARs, AIM, AFH, PHAK, Aeronautical Chart User's Guide, etc., I cannot find any reference to this, nor can I find one on other taxiway diagrams.

In the case of KMKL, that end goes downhill and can't be seen from other parts of the airport, so it's pretty obvious why one should take extra precautions to be alert, but I know of many other airports which have similar and are either not marked or marked as a HS.

I know this is pretty trivial, but it seems odd that this one has a different name and symbol with no mention of meaning...
The Air National Guard is there. My guess is it has something to do with them. Arming area maybe.
I thought Hot Zones were areas where weapons of one sort or another could be present, as luvflyin mentioned.

Hot Spots are areas that have a higher potential for accidents.
The Air National Guard is there. My guess is it has something to do with them. Arming area maybe.
Ding! Ding! Ding! So I flew down the other day and asked tower. It is indeed a place for ANG aircraft/operations involving live munitions.
There's more likely to be an Ebola outbreak in a Hot Zone. A hot spot is typified by loud music and liquor. Hope this clears it up for you.
Definitely a WiFi area.

You'll hear other terms / acronyms for those types of areas at military fields. Hot cargo, hazardous cargo, combat arcraft loading area (CALA), red label area, arm / de-arm area, forward arming and refueling point (FARP). Some, perform dual roles for arming, hung ordnance, hazardous cargo, etc.
There's more likely to be an Ebola outbreak in a Hot Zone. A hot spot is typified by loud music and liquor. Hope this clears it up for you.

I thought the difference between hot spot and hot zone depended entirely on who you were dating at the time.
Well, a hot spot can turn into the dreaded rug burn after a while, so yes, it can depend on your date.