Hole at the North Pole

If you are at the North Pole and your GPS stops, isnt any direction at all that you fly ends up being South? I am always thinking ova here..
That pic is for real.
It's a Troll Hole.

The anus of the earth.

Shouldn't the anus of the earth be at the south pole?

[end of quoted reply]

[begin general question]

On a more serious note, why would GPS be ineffective at the north pole? It is independent of magnetism and gyroscopics. The placement of the satellites?
If you are at the North Pole and your GPS stops, isnt any direction at all that you fly ends up being South? I am always thinking ova here..

You are thinking about eggs? What kind of eggs???
Yes, any direction from the N pole would have a southerly component unless you go vertically. (I think the academicians would say something like it depends on how close to the very dead center of the pole you start moving from, even taking it down to: the exact N pole can be defined in micrometers) {then, the contrary academicians would note that the poles are in constant motion so you'd have to acquire and then leave the pole very, very quickly in order to say you were 'moving away from the pole'}
You can look this up I hear the Moon is actually Hollow. On one of the Apollo missions they jettisoned something and they said when it hit the moon the moon ring for hours. Also one of the astronauts when they came around from the Dark Side of the Moon made the quote be aware Houston there is a Santa Claus rumor has it that is code for seeing aliens on the dark side of the moon. Go Google that stuff

....everyone knows that the moon is made of cheese....
On a more serious note, why would GPS be ineffective at the north pole? It is independent of magnetism and gyroscopics. The placement of the satellites?

GPS should work fine at the north pole. I know it works fine at the south pole, and have pictures of it working fine there. The issue is that a lot of avionics systems (specifically mangetometers and AHRS) aren't designed to work at the polar latitudes. Also some software around the polar regions may not be sure what to do with moving maps, etc. So sometimes the GPS might work fine, it's just what it's attached to that might not be able to display things well.

Magnetometers especially can get interesting because as you get towards the poles, the magnetic field lines end up getting close to vertical. At that point, it's hard for the magnetometer to figure out what's going on.
Serious question:
If the earth is hollow and I jump in the hole would I just fall toward the middle and then bounce back and forth until I stabilized floating in the center?
I duuno. . .maybe you'd accelerate at 32 feet per second per second, at first, but as more and more of the mass fell behind (above?) you, you'd begin to slow, come to a stop at the center? Maybe no yo-yo effect at all, or very little, from your inertia? And be weightless?
You can look this up I hear the Moon is actually Hollow. On one of the Apollo missions they jettisoned something and they said when it hit the moon the moon ring for hours. Also one of the astronauts when they came around from the Dark Side of the Moon made the quote be aware Houston there is a Santa Claus rumor has it that is code for seeing aliens on the dark side of the moon. Go Google that stuff

I've read that Neil Armstrong went to the flight surgeon's frequency (because he didn't want it public) and spoke of seeing "something" and it/they were watching them but there isn't really anything else to back up that story.

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You are all wrong.

It is Aliens.

...or Rudolph's hangar...either way...you are still all wrong.

Good luck with your expedition and the crowdfunding!...noting says great adventure like when it is funded by someone else's free money!...where do i sign up?...I have credentials...I have seen aliens.
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According to a certain strong-handed guy I know of that visited it - it's not a hole.

"A hole would be something. No, it was nothing."
Serious question:
If the earth is hollow and I jump in the hole would I just fall toward the middle and then bounce back and forth until I stabilized floating in the center?
No. No gravity inside a hollow sphere. It's a Gaussian surface. You'll fly straight through at constant speed and hit the other side.
Ok Mr. Troll here's a few tidbits for you ; as a 777 pilot for a major airline I used to fly Polar routes monthly from the USA to Asia. Sorry to urinate on your parade but there is NO HOLE. In seven years of Polar flying I would have seen it. Furthermore air traffic over the North Pole area is not at all rare. At any given time there are quite a few passenger carrying aircraft in the vicinity and you don't hear about any of them going batsh1t and disappearing - do you ?

So let's put on our big boy pants and put this little fantasy to rest - ok ? Besides there's still the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot for you to hold on to - ok.

He says as he pulls the chemtrail lever. :rolleyes:
According to the two people that I met in Barrow that flew over the north pole in a light twin, rigged with ferry tanks, their GPSs, 3 of them, lost signal as well. They circled the pole twice, low level and essentially flying through all time zones twice in one day.

That means it was 5 oclock somewhere repeatedly.
Thats a lot of beer.
But then again, plenty of room in the back seat .. no ice needed.
No. No gravity inside a hollow sphere. It's a Gaussian surface. You'll fly straight through at constant speed and hit the other side.
Somehow I don't think he meant *literally* hollow, as in no mass in the interior...

(or maybe he did, I forgot, it's 6PC!)
I find North Poles usually not as annoying as South Pole.
While South Poles tend to be just lazy bums who mostly launder money for income, North Poles tend to work hard in the fishing industry (Baltic sea).

Or did I misunderstand the troll? *shrug*
There's five minutes of my life wasted
A flat earth would have two sides. Top and bottom. That hole is to get to the other side. You'll fall off the outside edge if you try to go that way.
I suspect you never met Escher...
Shouldn't the anus of the earth be at the south pole?
I think it's actually located in Pittsburgh.

On a more serious note, why would GPS be ineffective at the north pole? It is independent of magnetism and gyroscopics. The placement of the satellites?
The regular GPS satellites work fine at the poles. Barring bugs in your receiver software (or whatever NAV system you are using), it should work fine.
The WAAS coverage doesn't work as well at the poles as those satellites don't transmit as well there.

I used to do a lot of work with geospatial software (mostly intelligence imaging products and the like). One thing I spent a lot of time is testing user interfaces and other calculations for operations that occur both on the poles and at the 180 degree longitude point. You can get some amusing errors there if you are not careful.

Some of the military stuff has to switch into a different mode. The MGRS system switches from UTM to UPS when it gets to the poles to avoid the grid system spazzing out with the "everything is south" paradox.