that is an interesting thought. I never really thought about it that way, I always assumed their perception of risk is different from mine. But the idea that maybe it's the same but they don't go there is intriguing. However,
I probably shouldn't go there. I can already hear myself saying "Wimp!"
This is a really interesting topic, though I often find it depressing because I think people's perception of risk has gotten really skewed, especially that risk can be avoided entirely. Hence the CYA attitude that has led to all kinds of restrictions on our lives. I was just reading a post on another forum by someone who won't fly anyone other than family because he feels that if he does and something happens, he'll lose everything in a lawsuit. He's losing the opportunity to share flying with friends and others, and they're losing the opportunity to go flying, which can only hurt GA. I just flew a bunch of Young Eagles. If I thought about that part, I wouldn't, and where would the young, wheelchair-bound man to whom I gave the controls, to his utter delight, be if I'd decided that it wasn't worth it?
Sigh. Now you've done it, Toby.
Nah, not your fault. I've got to quit thinking so much. (hey! where did the wine-glass-toasting smiley go????)