Help with W&B Sheet


Filing Flight Plan
Sep 5, 2023
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Ed Smoker
I've attached an example W&B sheet from a manufacturer. I am trying to figure out how to translate this into something that I can add into Foreflight to create a W&B sheet with envelope. The only W&B sheets that I ever worked with were the plan old ones where you add the weight, arm, and calculate the moment. Can anyone help me to make sense of this?

Sorry one of those headache questions o_O
Yeah, and I figured this would be a great place to post the question for future students/pilots. In all my training I have never seen one like this.
Can anyone help me to make sense of this?
That looks more like part of the weight and balance loading worksheet. Does that page have a signature/date on it? Look for another document or report that states "empty weight" with a stand alone CG value.

It may look like this?

Then once you get the empty weight and CG you can start to plug in what you want to calculate I guess similar to this??
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That's what I'm missing, the stand-alone CG value. I'll see if I can get more of the manual. Note that I'm trying to build an envelope in Foreflight by filling out the W&B info it asks for. I would like to have a general idea of the plane as I am aiming to order one. The info for Foreflight that I am missing are the basic empty CG, 3 forward, and 1 aft CG limits. Something with that info is what I was actually asking for from the dealer but I think that I didn't make that clear.
Something with that info is what I was actually asking for from the dealer but I think that I didn't make that clear.
No I think you were clear. Looking at your pic on a bigger screen I believe this shows the requested info but in a non-standard format plus its in metric. While the formulas use symbols I've never seen they follow the same format as my examples above. Could just be a local language thing. And I bet if you could post a link to a flight manual for this aircraft type we could confirm this.

So my guess is the empty weight is 358 kilograms at a CG of 340 millimeters and MAC of 28.3%. The two calculations below the top one in the pic, if I had to guess, are the most forward and most aft CG limits. However they physically weighed the aircraft to those limits vs calculate on paper as most people determine adverse loading limits.

But you'll need to be careful when calculating W&B as it appears the datum is the wing leading edge which will give you negative arms forward of that. Will be interesting to see where the instrument panel sits in relation to the datum.
There should be a page that shows the W&B envelope. The allowable CG based on weight.

This is the one for my M20K

I would like to have a general idea of the plane as I am aiming to order one.
If this is for the Aeropilot Legend 600 you mentioned in a different thread, then the info you have is good and as noted in Post #7. I found the Legend mx manual and flight manual online and the weighing procedure would give you the type values you were sent. However, unless the plane you order is configured the same as the example you received your aircraft will have different values. Here's is a page for the mx manual and the links to both manuals.
I'm expecting it to be different @Bell206. My problem is, I don't know how to change that into an envelope like the example @Pinecone posted. Granted, I have time before the plane is built and delivered. I just don't want to wait until the last moment to try and figure this out. In Foreflight, I am asked for at least 3 forward and 2 rear CG limits. I see that the forward limits in the example above are 21.6% and 35.6%. I do not understand how that information would go into Foreflight to build an example.
As a side question, where do you all get those awesome maps of what States you've flown to that you put in your signature blocks?
In Foreflight, I am asked for at least 3 forward and 2 rear CG limits.
Can't help you with Fore Flight or making a chart. But you may want to decide if you will use the factory metric W&B figures or convert to imperial. If the latter perhaps request your aircraft is delivered with the imperial figures? And personally, I would drop the MAC percentage figures as they only tend to confuse things at this level. Technically, when I weigh an aircraft, the only requirements are to provide the basic empty weight and CG with equipment list, and in most cases I will compute a single most forward CG and most aft CG. Thats it. And I provide those figures in inches and pounds. Maybe Fore Flight wants several additional user created adverse CG readings that are determined by various loading schedules you may use? There's nothing that prevents you from developing your own system to manage this requirement. If you need more just post a question.
If you have a chart with the CG in inches, you can just input that into FF. You have to play around to get it in properly.

Not sure how to do is in % MAC. Probably need to call FF tech support.