Again though, you invited the interaction...
There are circumstances where people haven’t invited any interaction or done anything to have said interaction at all, which have gone bad.
Example: The guy here who’s house was blown up in a ridiculous fashion by a dumbass SWAT team chasing someone who shoplifted. Shoplifter ran from the cops and went into the dude’s house.
SWAT team decided (mostly because they’re a very rich department and had just gotten explosives training for their hut-huts, and had explosives now, oh goodie a new toy!) to blow not one, not two, but four walls off the back of the house, huge sections, to go get ... the shoplifter.
Even better, when the guy went to rebuild his house from the utter mess these morons made, the city the morons worked for had even more morons (rich city, remember) who told him he couldn’t rebuilt it on his lot where it was for 20+ years because the drainage of the lot no longer met current code. So it wouldn’t pass inspection.
He sued in Federal court. Last I heard he had gotten exactly nowhere on the insane amount of money he had to spend to fix his home.
But beyond that “fun” story, how about dumbasses serving “no knock” warrants at the wrong house, even one so stupid they tossed a smoke grenade into a baby crib? At the wrong house.
Or the multiple times those raids or even some idiot cop looking for a suspect in someone’s back yard inside the fence where that turned into shooting the family dog? Or worse.
Or maybe if that’s not enough, how about SWATting? Where some jerk calls the PD anonymously and says you’re a threat and you’re holed up in your house with weapons, when you’re not? Famous ones there include cops breaking into homes of online gamers who’s online opponents hoped they’d be shot or arrested just for fun.
Nope. You don’t have to do a damned thing to get sucked into any of the above stupidity. Especially the stupid war on drugs BS with cops busting down doors at the wrong house.
Blowing up the guy’s house for a Walmart shoplifter is by far the best I’ve seen so far, though. Absolute idiots. And completely protected from being idiots by their department and liability laws.
Not a single one of those idiots or the commander will ever pay a dime for destroying someone’s home. Aww sure, maybe a demotion. Maybe no more detcord to play with. And all they really had to do was just wait outside.
You do have to know the politics in that rich city, though. I’m sure the multimillionaire neighbors wouldn’t want to let the cops sit out front of the house for two or three days with lights and press and commotion until the shoplifter fell asleep after a couple days of piped in super loud sound effects. These people would have complained directly to the Governor on his private cell number.
So the hut-huts blew up the house.